And took me
Took me way out
To where I could look back
And see the Earth
As a speck
Amongst many others
Then the apparition
Squeezed my hand
And whispered by my ear
"This is how little it really matters"
"This is how insignificant it really is"
Taking my hands
The aparition cupped them
And bade me
To look into them
Where I saw the Earth
And all it's wonders
Circling the Sun
The export
And the import
Of what the aparition
Was showing me
Came to me
Like the tide rising
To meet the shore
The world
Slips through our fingers
Like a grain of sand
On the other
It rests in our palm
Like a newborn
Baby bird
Close the fingers
And the sand
Will not slip
Through them
Close the hand
And the bird
Will be crushed
In It's grasp
The aparition turned
And brought me back
To sit in an orbit
Where I could see
The quiet turning
Of our Earth
On it's continuing journey
Around our Sun
And I knew
As I slowly fell out of orbit
That whether we open our fingers
Or close them
And whether we close our hands
Or open them
Doesn't really matter
And has very little significance
To anyone
Or anything
But us