Biden has become the latest American drone murderer in chief. Drone murders should not be casual, lightly held decisions. The latest victim was Ayman al Zawahri and he was accused of many serious crimes, which include the bombing of the USS Cole, the embassy in Kenya and the 9/11 attack. We, the many, have seen not an iota of evidence to make that case because the evidence does not exist. One of the principle points I want to make here is that the Shadow government, our Shadow government, uses the CIA as their main perception managers so that in the absence of evidence for their claims and justification for their murders they substitute: Anonymous CIA voices say....
The CIA never, never tells us the truth and in spite of this our media invites these liars and distorters of truth onto their programs to manage what we think, and feel, and fear as they manufacture our perception of reality for us. It has been written elsewhere by an OPED contributor that we are lied to about everything. This is true but it is purposeful lying. Our Shadow government carried our 9/11, blamed it on a non-existent organization whose name was concocted by the CIA and has been using lies, distortions and general perception management to promote their ends. Since the shadow government carried out 9/11 do you really believe some hapless would-be or wanna-be hi-jackers rode camels into the interior of Afghanistan to plan hi-jacking planes in the US--good grief. They must have known the psychological shock and awe of 9/11 would scramble our brains--they can tell us anything.
So, what to do? If possible the CIA needs to be de-funded and disbanded and many, many of them imprisoned. What we might have more influence over is the lame media. These talking heads are mostly millionaires who are very disinclined to challenge the Shadow government. Still, we can do our best to embarrass them into doing their jobs and insist on real evidence in place of: Anonymous CIA voices say....
Don Scotten