Someone needs to call California Gov. Jerry Brown out for this morning's many news articles which are a fake representation of him as a compassionate progressive. The headlines today lead the readers to believe that he has mercifully "pardoned" people for committing far fewer and less severe crimes than he is responsible for perpetuating.
The truth is that NONE of these people have been in prison or jail FOR MANY YEARS. This old oil baron allows torture and murder to take place in most of California's prisons, is a total sell-out to law enforcement labor unions, and wants everyone to believe that he is a decent human being. Truth is that there is literally no political risk to the people he chooses to "pardon" years after they have returned to society. Many of them shouldn't have gone to prison in the first place for crimes that aren't even really crimes. Google Jerry Brown oil baron click here
Based on other case histories, I can surmise that the man with stage 4 cancer was no doubt put under so much stress during his prison term that his immune system was eventually overwhelmed. Jerry Brown does not have the big picture ability to see the suffering that he deliberately causes to inmates and their families which devastates their lives.
All California's mismanaged prisons do is break people in mind, body and spirit and provide revenues to the General Fund. When it comes to criminal justice, Brown is as bad as any Republican on and he deserves no fake "pardon" publicity when no sentences were commuted.
Brown has done far worse societal damage than anyone who is on his "forgiven" list. This revolting scam is repeated by him every year and it sickens me to see journalists fall right in with painting him as a person deserving of respect for freeing prisoners. Read between the lines. click here
Anyone who doubts that the taxpayers are funding torture and murder in California's horrific prisons should read this scathing report by Inspector General Robert Barton released this week on High Desert Prison. I have much that I can add to this report (and others) about specific ways in which prisoners are deliberately tormented in our corrupt and broken system, where Jerry Brown, A.G. Kamala Harris and now departing prisons chief Jeffrey Beard holds prison employees above the law. They do not deserve the labels "progressive" or even to be thought of as human, let alone glorified as decent human beings. click here
This is but one of the articles about High Desert Prison abuses that appeared this week. click here
If the media wasn't banned from being able to interview specific prisoners, torture and murder would not be tolerated by the public and these fake progressives would not be sitting in elected office. The public has a right to know and media access needs to be restored to the prisons at once.
I have a petition going trying to stand up to the extreme inhumanity taking place in our prisons, please sign it before the State regains billions of dollars in medical funding without federal oversight. Jerry Brown has arrogantly defied hundreds of judicial orders to better prison conditions yet he is never indicted for breaking state and federal laws. What a hypocrite he is claiming to issue "pardons" when his crimes are far worse than the prisoners he holds captive. Sign here