Yoo's comments present yet another case of a self centered man operating with a lack of a moral center. Another case happening because our new leaders have decided not to pursue justice. And with every proclamation their form of tyranny over our soul as a nation persists.
image from flickr by david y park
What astounds me is that these pragmatic right wingers understand what a lack of a moral center some of our newly elected leaders have exhibited. It has often been said that justice delayed is justice denied. And power fills a vacuum.
It was we the winners of WW2 who decided this issue by putting people to death for water-boarding. Now it is we who have lost our own moral center by permitting a debate on the extent of the torture. We have been trapped into discussing when is torture-torture after one event or three or under what circumstance. Has Kafka written the present script for our times?
As has been said what does it matter if a man gains the world and losses his soul. Do we only speak these words on Sunday and pretend the rest?
Cheney has preemptively moved the debate into a public relations arena because we didn't take these events into an investigative arena. Not for the sake of vengeance but for the pursuit of truth.
Now after our voters supposedly declared in an election the direction we wanted our leaders to take have some of our leaders left us empty. Why do we now debate who may or may not be guilty of sins because those who may be guilty of sins omission are reluctant. Why are we afraid to conduct an honest appraisal of what went wrong.
Why are so many silent. Why has this debate been avoided. So, things are still wrong and every moment we hesitate we are responsible for the continuation of this farcical approach to justice. And those who witness in a world larger than our national egos see our continued loss of our Constitutional form of government.
The old statement that we are a nation of laws not people no longer applies!
With three airplanes the terrorists have breached our Constitutional form of government because we have allowed our fear to overcome our sense of right and wrong.
One strike and we went mad! And sadly the madness continues unabated and unchecked by a search for our moral center.
Now when we voted to right ourselves our elected leaders should be reestablishing our justice system/ But in their feigned wisdom they appear to have decided to wait! And into the vacuum the misguided right again asserts its ugly reality. And now comes along comes YOO! How dare he? Well, why not for who will bring him and his reality to heal before the bar of justice?
Have we become a nation of moral cowards living off the ashes of our dead soldiers who shed their blood for god and country.
I fear we may have become what our enemy wanted us too. For if we lack the guts to declare justice in the midst of this trial of our souls we have lost the moral high ground! Time and time again in our history I have heard it said these are the times that try our souls. This has been a cry through eternity!
Yoo and Cheney must be met on the field of justice! Not for vengeance but for our reestablishment of Constitutional boundaries.