Kerry's flight to the Ukraine is not male hysteria, it's a front for pure greed - justifying future defense spending.
Those who occupy the federal government make so many stupid decisions; it becomes habit to presume stupidity behind all of their decisions. This reasoning is fallacious.
This was the case when I read this New York Times headline on March 2:
Kerry Plans to Visit Ukraine in Show of Support and Warns Russia of Penalties
What a fool, I thought. How pathetic! Kerry thinks that showing up in the Ukraine will actually make a difference. Have he and Obama so fully embraced their narcissism that it has become delusional thinking? Don't they understand Russia's reaction to seeing neo Nazis take over a nation critical to Russian security? After all, the gas pipelines that carry Russian natural gas to Europe run across the entire territory of the Ukraine.
Then it struck me: Kerry's flight isn't about helping the Ukraine. Both Kerry and Obama know that. The flight and the histrionics that will follow over the next few weeks are about one thing - justifying increased defense spending to meet the "Russian threat."
From now on, when our leaders make a decision that seems particularly stupid, I will start my analysis with this foolproof command: Show me the money.
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