I read most all available books on prehistoric man, cosmology, geology, evolution, Big Bang, and biblical creation. I was especially disappointed in the creation books. It was obvious that the authors were "grasping for straws" and did not understand the Genesis text themselves. I also began to read Genesis, over and over again to try to make sense of it. This went on until February 1991, when I got the revelation that Moses was not writing about Creation Week. I didn't know "what" he was writing about, but I did more research based on that angle. It was then when I began writing the manuscript "Moses Didn't Write About Creation!".
Other revelations came concerning other areas of Genesis, such as Jacob leaving home when he was 75 years old, and getting married when he was 83, in 2075 BC. The flood of Noah was in 2611 BC, and the Babel Tower incident (division of the continents) was in 2509 BC. But the seven days of Moses remained a mystery, until the Lord spoke nine words to me one night in December 1993. After going to the Carnegie Library to read a direct Hebrew to English translation, confirming what I had heard, I became the leading expert in the world ("foremost terrestrial authority") on the book of Genesis.
From 1994 through 2004, twelve seminars were given, (at two hotels and one convention center), in three different states. A total of nine people attended. Yes, the events were advertised in the local papers, radio stations, and leaflets handed out. Why is it that they were not largely attended? Maybe it's because we're living in a land that loves a lie.
I challenged them on points of scripture, but only the ICR responded...., once. When they were cornered concerning "where did the water come from" on the first day, and why male & female are made after the animals in Genesis chapter one, and Adam is made before the animals, then Eve, in Genesis chapter two, the ICR cut out and ran. Did any of them want to learn and share the truth of Genesis? No, not a single one, because we're living in a land that loves a lie.
I copied in the NCSE since I had "been around the table" with them in the past, so that all parties could see what I was trying to do, and for the NCSE to be a witness to my efforts in case those other "creationist clowns" claimed ignorance. I also offered to meet with the NCSE. They wrote back twice, but refused to put their doctrine on the table with mine, to see if there was another plausible (realistic) explanation of the 600+ million year fossil record of death. Why won't they meet with me, or have a joint Evolution/Genesis presentation (face-off)? It's because we're living in a land that loves a lie.
You can find on the internet that the present-day Sanhedrin court in Israel wants to revive the ancient Temple rituals, and make known God's laws for the people. Let me give you a quote I found. It is as follows:
"Since we know that G-d seeks the acknowledgement of His Being and Unity by all of humanity and since we are to be a "Kingdom of Priests", does it not follow that we must be perceived as such by the nations to be able, as a Holy (distinct) People, to fulfil G-d's Ministry as His Priests on earth?"
At first I thought that the Sanhedrin was a body of sincere rabbis that wanted to "wake up" Judaism to it's true Divine heritage. I wrote to them, but most of them don't speak English very well, if at all. Part of my letter to them, is contained the following two paragraphs.
The Lord God chose to reveal Himself to (and enter into a covenant of marriage (with) the people of Israel. It has been the duty of the Jewish people to convey to the rest of the world the existence of the Creator. The nation of Israel is the only sovereignty that has received it's constitution from the Eternal Spirit Himself. The very first written edict we have from God is this statement: "In the beginning, God created this universe, starting with the planet Earth".
Along with that, we have His declaration that "For in six days, the LORD made the heavens and the Earth, the sea, and all there in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it". Therefore, the Sabbath day was instituted as a day of rest in acknowledgement of Creation Week, being 168 hours in length. This is the very foundation of the Holy Scriptures. If the union of the Sanhedrin fails to embrace this fundamental truth, and correctly teach it to the people, they have no authenticity, and their rituals of worship are just a big joke.
So, a rabbi with good understanding of English wrote back. I wanted to go to Israel to give my Genesis chapter one PowerPoint presentation ("Observations of Moses") to them in Jerusalem. It was clear that I could not afford to go, and that I may not be given an audience if I came. So I sent the presentation to him, and the following was his reply:
To: Ephraim7@aol.com
Sent: 2/24/2010 10:39:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Re: Can Evolution and the Torah's Account of Creation Coexist?
Dear Mr. Cummings,
I just finished seeing the powerpoint presentation.
VERY well done, very impressive, plenty to think about.
I am still bewildered by the ideas, and am awed by your originality.
I am sure that as is, my colleagues will not be able to respond as favorably as I, first of all because their English is quite inferior. Please do not interpret this as saying I agree with what you presented; I am awed, but have not had time to study the ideas, and am not convinced, just bewildered and awed.
Thank you for this opportunity to see this exposition of religious ingenuity. I will try to revert when the present flurry of work subsides.
Rabbi --- ---
Now, here comes the kicker. I pleaded with the rabbi to bring this to the body of the Sanhedrin, test it against the literal interpretation of scripture, and either publicly declare it to be in error, or publicly embrace it as the truth of Genesis. No inconsistencies as to points of scriptural harmony were found. But neither did the Sanhedrin publicly embrace it as the truth, or to be the best explanation, of Genesis. If they were to do so, then all the writings of the rabbinical patriarchy concerning the "creation accounts" in the Torah must be declared to be in error, and the revered scholars would be exposed as being ignorant of the text, and of the Law of Moses. So they chose to table it indefinitely (to kill it), because we're living in a land that loves a lie.
In many churches all across the USA, upwards of 3100, the Genesis one presentation has been offered. All of the pastors, priests, and rabbis actually refused to host the seminar. One pastor in Auburn Alabama wrote an article in the newspaper that we should "learn the meaning and message of Genesis", but that the actual text was allegorical. I wrote to that pastor, stating the contrary, declaring the literal truth of God's Word, and offering to give the presentation at his assembly.
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