It is inconceivable to me that the check-in site at the Kabul Airport manned by US troops was not rearranged to render it much, much safer to man 'after' our military intel 'predicted' the attack that killed so many of the hopelessly and irresponsibly exposed soldiers. What was that about? Did they need that mayhem to facilitate the evacuation or was this the initiating act standing up the new boogie man justifying the continued grossly unnecessary expenditure on our meaningfully bloated military. The loss of so many exposed soldiers is unconscionable and I know that those who predicted the attack and those responsible for the safety of these men at the airport damn well knew what was needed to prevent most if not all of the US deaths. I know I will catch hell for the above but I believe it.
You may not remember but I can remember for you with absolute certainty that you and all you know had never heard of Al Qaeda until after the Trade Towers were reduced to ground level in nine seconds. This previously nonexistent word concept suddenly became responsible for all crimes against humanity including the great flood. Today we have a newly introduced perpetrator of all crimes against humanity whom most of us had never heard of - the dread ISIS 'K'. We are told that the Taliban, which drove us out of their country, are going to need us to help them save themselves from this 'thing' called ISIS 'K'. Of course we are told that the new boogie man is more brutal and cruel than the last. Do you think the local Afghans would not expose ISIS "K" goons to the Taliban, their arch enemy, if they were treated worse than by the Taliban? When you concoct a story it is hard to keep all of it sensible. Now it is implied that the Taliban are the good guys
Conclusion: we must keep our over-the-horizon military capability available to kill people in Afghanistan. This time not people labeled Taliban. I so hope the drone strike in eastern Afghanistan simply destroyed an empty shack and did not take the life of a hapless goat herder.
Don Scotten