This is from Radio Talk Show Host DAnne Burley, former Deputy Clerk from within the Court system, Forensic Journalist, Activist and daughter of Dan Burley, and well known and revived Publisher, Columnist, and Entertainer whose career spanned between many Presidents and media, this is an urgent matter that needs to be addressed and not my those who have failed and refused to look into wide spread corruption.
I live in Illinois a state that I have taken time to go in and out of Legislative Officials complaining about Corruption, brought forth litigation which was refused proper hearings due to frauds being committing openly from within the courts and where those who can enforce the law refuse to do so because they may have ties to those involved within the corruption due to the issue of families, and clout.
I worked within one of the largest law firms within the Chicago area during and after the Greylord case where Judges were open within the courts to let know that they were God and used there power to cause many people to die on the elective chair because they were bought by corrupt Judges.
The reason for the housing crisis maybe also the issue of how the courts are responding to alleged fraud on the court by turning a blank eye to the problem and further allowing people to be pull out into the street just like trash.
Again the issue is not just giving out more and more bail-out money to those who have created the problem its investigating and doing something about the issue at hand.
We are paying Politicians who refuse to allow you to talk to them within their offices. We are paying for the police who are violating our rights to constitutional law, we are paying for the Courts to rule and charge up with outrageous Juice on things that there is no way the average man and woman can afford thus causing more and more of us to loss credit, housing, jobs and everything else because we are being used as slave labor without anyone having control over the power and control they have over us.
When are we going to wake up and do something! From before the time of Gary Webb, Sherman Skolnick and others who are challenged the issue of drugs being trafficked into the USA by alleged CIA by special op's tied into the Contra's others who have fruitfully gained from are children, parents and other people becoming addicted to drugs to the insult of the justice system picking and choosing the cases they are of the same nature as others but the rulings are coming from those who are involved within high level corruption bribes and conspiracies when will you the public wake up and start acting like American's again! We need to develop a outside panel of Citizens to review the nightmares. And to make it worse Joesph Zernik has located a computer system flaw which can cause you additional harm within the Judgments rendered by the Judges within the courts. Please not that everyone who has been on my program is the top professional within their field from Major Universities, holding Doctors, Degrees in Physic, Science, Medicine, expert witnesses and professionals. I have complete forensic journal like no other on the time lines and events from the experts who have stated that there are major problems within the nation and this problem as I see it is coming from those who are allowing their flaws to exist by using our tax dollars to support the corruption.
There are no rights, we have nothing and there are no lawyers who can do anything within the mess because they have to come to face the corrupt within the justice system who then turn around and get legislation written by insiders to protect them from being prosecuted. Look at the case of Attorney Richard Fine, and all the others like Mark Adams all of them disbarred because they spoke out and then there is nothing within the mainstream media covering this because they are all seemingly without understanding and or don't care because of the paycheck they receive from those within this monstrous system, we sit away and wait for God to come back because we can not take control of our lives and then wonder why other countries are not happy with Americans.
I am a Black Woman, whose father and mother fought hard before the civil rights movement to gain the rights of the people via the media, just to see all of they're work destroyed by a hand full of people while the rest act as voyeurs to the corruption. This is the reason why I create both a television and radio program because they truth was being hidden from the people. Yes I am a Black woman from the US who at one point had no rights to equal pay, no rights to equal justice ( which is still going on because the Civil Rights Codes have no bearing within Judgments rendered) People we are still back in the dark ages because there is no one listening and no where to go!
To those who know about the massive corruption with the courts this is very important please take time and read it and I will be having a scheduled teleconference on this issue please pass on to others within your area and groups who maybe interested in working to clean-up the current Justice system.
The conference will be involving getting people together to work with both Joesph Zernik, Former Prosecuting Atty Roger Wagner of the State of Oregon and Dr Richard Cordero who has been involved in launching campaigns to get either the Congress and or Senate to investigate massive corruption within the Justice System, there are major flaws within Federal/State Computer Systems which are being pointed out by Joesph Zernik.
He has indicated there is a issue going back to the Contra Affair that my tie drugs into law enforcement systems and there are people from within who are using their knowledge to blackmails those within who were involved with money laundering, racketeering, and massive amounts of money tied into terrorism via real estate, mortgages etc.
We have no one involved in looking into these matters because the corruption is too deep we need to have a separate committee not tied into the government a citizens committee.
Corruption this deep can create a person from within law enforcement who has the right to do whatever it takes to silence the people because of the amount of money made from ties to international drug dealing.
Please get involved and get others committed within your area to work to stop this outrageous which is causing the basic end of America's Finance system.
Contact me at 1-630-666-8528 and I get you the time and date of the next conference call coming up this week.
Need Lawyers, Paralegals, Legal Secretaries, JD's, and Americans who want the create a better community for their families and neighbors.
Please get involved thanks
Application filed for an Order to Compel FBI & U.S. Dept of Justice to Guarantee Jailed Atty Richard I Fine is Provided Pen & Paper to Sign His Own Papers - Fully Exercise First Amendment Rights.
By Joseph Zernik & Petition: Free the Rampart-FIPs
Dated: May 11, 2009
The jailing of Richard I Fine, former U.S. Attorney, who led the efforts to expose the payments to all LA Superior Court judges that would be deemed by a lay-person "bribes", and denial of basic conditions that would allow him to exercise his First Amendment rights, are yet another sign of the entire collapse of the justice system in Los Angeles County, California, as alleged in petition filed May 1, 2009. Ex Parte Application being filing today, asks for an urgent order to compel Defendants to guarantee Att Fine's First Amendment rights.
Plaintiff's petition alleges: Defendants FBI & USDOJ engage in long-term abuse of the civil & human rights of residents of LA County, California by tolerating and patronizing the LA Judiciary Racket (LA-JR). Responses by Defendants Melson and Kaiser to U.S. Congress in re: Plaintiff were fraud upon U.S. Congress, and cover up of the LA-JR.
Plaintiff's petition alleges: Att Richard I Fine is indefinitely jailed by judge of the LA Superior Court after having led efforts to expose payments to all judges of LA Superior Court that were ruled "not permitted" and would be called by a lay person "bribes".
Plaintiff's petition alleges: Magistrate Carla Woehrle, U.S. District Court, LA, dishonestly manipulated and adulterated court records in cases of Zernik and Fine, where wrongdoing by LA Superior Court judges was alleged. FBI failed to act on complaints.
Events of recent days: Jailed Att Fine is denied use of paper & pen, cannot sign his own petitions. Magistrate Woehrle struck his response paper in re: Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus on such grounds.
Ex parte application being filed today: Request for order to compel Defendant Melson, USDOJ, Kaiser, FBI:
a. To investigate the conduct of Magistrate Carla Woehrle relative to alleged dishonest manipulation and/or adulteration of the dockets in Pacer in cases of Zernik and Fine.
b. To investigate the alleged relations between judges of the LA Superior Court and Magistrates of the U.S. District Court, LA, and alleged collegial and social relations with Magistrate Woehrle that should have required her recusal.
c. To immediately ensure that Att Richard I Fine has access to pen and paper and is able to file petitions in court.
The complete record being filed in court can be viewed at:
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important please take time and read it and I will be having a scheduled
teleconference on this issue please pass on to others within your area and
groups who maybe interested in working to clean-up the current Justice
system. call me at 1-630-666-8528 paypal donations by using