The mystery of the United States Senate Only Three Black's in history held the position Why?
By D'Anne Burley
Is it a secret Order thing or what? did you know that there have been only three Black United State Senators in US history, and the other senators to go to the White house were John Kennedy and now Obama! Is that why there are so many against Obama getting into office that is the White house?
Check this one out if you don't believe me, it's there in fact! and those selected seem to get in mainly today within the State of Illinois so does this mean that the Governor will select State rep Jessie Jackson Jr. to fulfill this strange factor because without Obama, there is no one Black in the Senate!
My name is DAnne Burley, radio talk show host, member of scholars for 9/11, 9/11 truth from the beginning and a investigative journalist, Here is a fact that was pointed out to me to other day and check it out! someone pointed this out and I find is very interesting, for one how many folks know that there has been only three African American Senators throughout the history of the Senate! Yep three one for Mass and the others all from Illinois. Therefore watch there will be appointed another African American from Illinois who will be Black.
My question is why there is over 123 African Americans appointed to the united States Congress but for some reason the senate is and has been African American election challenged? I lived in Illinois all my life and this is a fascinating fact, I was the first Africa American Deputy Clerk in the Suburbs because they had none in the late 80's-90's so what is the issue with the Senate? Does this mean that Jackson Jr from Illinois will be a shoe in?
And who and what and why are the new selected "There can be only one' coming out of Illinois.
I am on syndicated radio worldwide, the daughter of Dan Burley who was the hub between the black and white press from the 1930's - 1962. My father was the managing editor for Jet Magazine, Amsterdam News NYC, and wrote the original column and then managed the publication for the Nation of Islam's Mohammad Speaks and I have a achieve of facts not talked about because those who have control of history select history the people receive.
As offering one of the few talk shows that talk about this and other issue ask what is going on with that? is the there can only be one issue going back to ancient Rome? go to or for more on my programs and upcoming Chicago area events. Want to hear from you!
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