Working toward God's greater glory is usually at the expense of everyone else's.
The choice between serving God and serving money is a false one instituted by people who serve money.
In the final tally, it takes more effort to embrace dogma than reject it.
Reality is sparsely populated.
Doubt in faith and faith in doubt are one and the same thing.
I'm not afraid of occult knowledge, of which we've amassed very little; what scares me is occult ignorance, of which there is no shortage.
It takes no skill, talent, or even much practice to don phylacteries.
People spare science belief, though it asks for none, but spare belief no belief, when it requires all.
A man that can forgive your sins will invent more sins.
Indecency is an artificial flavoring humanity adds to natural indulgences.
Prisons and churches put pedophiles on opposite ends of rape.
Priests were the conduits to God before psychologists replaced them, sans the conduit part.
Evolution teaches kinship, if not a humbling position, in the grand scheme of life, and that is intolerable to an inferiority complex.
It was false to call anger a sin. It is correct to say that we can surmise one's mental health from what one chooses to be angry about.
Hell was actually a invention of men to convince themselves that God - someone! - gives a damn.
Exceptionally successful religions are those that require the least exception of their followers for them to feel exceptional.
Noise pollution is a bell that ever tolls.
And the meek shall inherit the dearth.
People usually enjoy speaking reasonably more than listening reasonably.
If I could only have common sense or uncommon sense, common sense dictates that I choose the latter.
I object to the object of objectivity because we are all subjective subjects of subjectivity.
Opinions are the failure of division of labor.
It is rarely reasonable to be unreasonable, but it is often unreasonable to be reasonable.
My purpose as a philosopher was to acquire enduring patience until it evolved into a profound system to justify impatience in all occasions.
Since reason and logic can only win over reasonable and logical minds, politicians and priests generally have no use for either.
It is useless to argue with a psychologist as you will unfailingly end up being in denial.
How many specialists does it take to screw in a light bulb? More and more every day.
Parents physically absent in childhood become psychologically present in adulthood.
When ethical axioms are tested with the tools of psychology, we find that self-sacrifice is to the heart and mind as fasting is to the body.
It takes only a handful of years to learn how to sound out letters into words, and a lifetime to learn how to read, which is to say listen.
Humans recall the past of least resistance.
Truth ignored is a time bomb that never explodes when you want it to.
Ironically, we call a truth naked when it strips everyone bare.
The redundant support of truth in such phrases as absolute truth, enduring truth, and God-honest truth signify anything, just not the truth.
You know you're an artist if your flair for fabricating facts never gets in the way of you telling the truth.
Where the truth leads, there I eventually stray.
We never have second chances in life because we only have one chance for every given moment, of which no two are exactly the same.
Failure isn't as bad as all that and success isn't all that.
"Right now," in galaxies other than ours, could potentially be any moment in a span of millions of years.
Waste not want not is a non sequitur in the face of poverty, from which we all suffer in relation to time.
Passions are spent, but laziness spends.
Seize the night! Put not trust in the morning after.
Not a few in-laws have ruined perfectly fine divorces.
The hypocrisy never fails! I can always live within the means of people who tell me to live within mine.
It's safe to say we could all live within our means if we had the means to do it.
The basic failing of modern conservatism is that it first and foremost finds expression in a prudery of generosity.
A little hunger brings out the vote. A lot of it brings out the guillotine.
There's really only two political party platforms: the R-complex and the cerebral cortex.
The rule of politics is he who can organize the biggest orgy of passions, wins.
Legalizing prostitution will give new meaning to "A sale at Penny's."
The only reason I see why women would be against legalizing prostitution is that it saves men money.
The only thing truly bad about pornography is the acting.
At bottom, what does it mean for human beings to watch other human beings fornicate? Wow, I can't think of one f*****n thing.
Puns are one of a very few things that are better the worse they are.
Now that we've turned the phone into a toy, let's move on to the mop.
We used to fritter time away; now we twitter time away.
While half-truths say twice as much as the whole truth, half the truth has very little to do with the truth at all.