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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 10/14/13

Merciless US NATO UN Genocide in Somalia Brought Nairobi Shopping Mall Blowback!

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Jay Janson
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Each scull belonged to someone precious to family and friends
Each scull belonged to someone precious to family and friends
(Image by ErikOrakel)
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Each scull belonged to someone precious to family and friends by ErikOrakel

Note to Editor: 5,000 words of text. then footnotes

For Kenya, with a population about the same as California, the September shopping mall massacre must have been nearly an equivalent shock for Kenyans as the much deadlier 9/11 terrorist attack was for the much larger American population. The background of these two massacres are pathetically similar. They were both blowback on US genocidal foreign policy. In fact Osama bin Laden in his 2002 Letter to Americans, included "attacks on Muslims in Somalia" in his list of reasons for the al Qaeda 9/11 attack."
This article will seek to explain, how most Americans and citizens of other NATO nations have some degree of involvement in the genocidal origin of this beastly, insane, barbaric,  unforgivable, murderous blowback terror within a Nairobi shopping mall.

Also, why this massacre terror attack reprisal for Kenya's deadly invasion of Somalia has received a hundred times more US media cartel news coverage than the daily and often larger massacres going on in Iraq every month for years that receive only passing mention. The massacres of Shiites in Iran's neighbor Iraq's Shiite government serve the same colonial interests as the US backed opposition massacring to topple the Shiite government of Syria, whereas terror attacks against US allies in reprisal for colonially sponsored state terror are to be more widely condemned as grist for the heralded euphemistic "War on Terror." Wall Street's CIA has used the al Qaeda it helped create and fund more often than the al Qaeda has attacked the US or the US has had al Qaeda bombed.[1]

Somalia being from where most of the Kenyan Shopping Mall murderers came from, we begin with an overlook chronology of early US crimes against peace in Somalia, and a chronology of subsequent years of genocidal crimes, that have resulted in a million of Somali men, women and children losing their lives for the interests of capital accumulation by neo-colonialist predatory speculative investment banking.

A synopsis of American and European genocidal policies and actions in Somalia:

- When Fascist Italy invaded Somalia in 1935, the "fair minded' peace guardian white Colonial Powers run League of Nations embargoed all arms shipments to both sides, which of course was no brake on well arms stocked Italy, but made it impossible for Somalia to buy arms to defend against Italian genocide. 

Somali lives by uncounted thousands were sacrificed as their country after independence was allowed, as Somalia was used as a back-and-forth pawn during the "cold' war between the capitalist colonial powers and communist party run socialist USSR.[2]

During the 1980s, the US backed a brutal dictatorship without regard to great starvation. 300,000 Somalis, mostly children died. [3]

In 1992 US Marines and Rangers killed many Somalis before being pulled out of danger after a lost battle since propagated as another case of American good guys in the movie Blackhawk Down .[4]

Over the next seven years, the US government attempts overtly and covertly with funding and arming and "diplomatic' maneuvering to keep the warlord most cooperative for US investment banking interests in power, or at least in power enough to prevent a non-cooperative Somali-for-Somali-interests government from forming (standard US foreign policy and that of all colonial and neo-colonial powers) - life costing internecine wars between warlords  - some of the very warlords that targeted US forces in 1992-93.

- 1991-1999, After the collapse of the Somali government in 1991, a system of sharia-based Islamic courts had become the main judicial system, funded through fees paid by litigants. Over time the courts began to offer other services such as education and health care. The courts also acted as local police forces, being paid by local businesses to reduce crime. The Islamic courts took on the responsibility for halting robberies and drug-dealing, as well as stopping the showing of what pornographic films in local movie houses. Somalia is almost entirely Muslim, and these institutions initially had wide public support. They soon saw the sense in working together through a joint committee to promote security.  In 1999 the group began to assert its authority. The courts in Somalia formed a union of Islamic courts, partly to consolidate resources and power and partly to aid in handing down decisions across, rather than within, clan lines. The judges of the various courts of clans represented a wide spread of factions within Islamic scholarship from Liberal to Salafist, Salfi'i and Sufi. [ ICU, Wikipedia ]

In 2000, a group of businessmen in Mogadishu having enough of deadly violence, social degradation and the economy's disruption, formed the Islamic Courts Government Movement, to bring the law down on the chaotic situation often sought by powerful criminal overseas investors by funding Somali warlords. Supporters of the Islamic courts and other institutions united to form the ICUP, an armed militia.  In April they took control of the main market in Mogadishu and, in July, captured the road from Mogadishu to Afgoi. Their system of government, controlled by judges, is known as a krytocracy. Christian Science Monitor, 7/13/1999, "The bandits who presided over the treacherous road from Mogadishu to Afgoi were gone. The pick-up trucks packed with gun-brandishing youths who manned some 50 roadblocks along the 20-mile stretch were nonexistent. The combined militia forces of five Islamic courts had cleared the road. [http://www.csmonitor.com/1999/0713/p1s2.html] [5]

2002, December, The United States establishes an "anti-terrorism task force' in neighboring Djibouti, with 1,600 U.S. troops.

2003-2005, Increased US funding and support for the warlords being defeated by new and immensely popular  conservative Islamic Courts Union government.

- 2004, Under US guidance a unity warlord government, the Transitional Federal Government is formed in neighboring Kenya.  It did not convene on Somali soil until February 2006, when it met in a converted grain warehouse in the western city of Baidoa because security concerns kept the legislature from entering Mogadishu

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Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India, in Germany & Sweden Einartysken,and in the US by Dissident (more...)

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