India is the land of the philosophy of Oneness. Adi Shankara, who lived in the first half of the eighth century AD, was the exponent of the Advaita or philosophy of Oneness. The core teaching of this philosophy is the identity of the core of one's self or 'Self' (Atman) with that of God (Brahman). The corollary is that all living and non-living entities, including all human beings, have this same core and hence there is only Oneness of all creation; any duality or multiplicity is only an illusion.
The culture of India is permeated by this philosophy and Indians consider all living and nonliving entities as sacred, everything being the manifestation of the One (God). Indians celebrate Unity in Diversity and have been readily assimilating foreign cultures, since the entire world is viewed as one family. In the recent past this philosophy of Oneness has been put into practice by many great souls, the most notable and well-known being Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi.
The great Soul, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, who lived in the immediate past (1926-2011), demonstrated the purity and power of the philosophy of Oneness, by bringing all religions of the world under the umbrella of the global organization He created. His life was a demonstration of His simple messages - Love All, Serve All and Help Ever, Hurt Never. Among His devotees were several great personalities and leaders including Mr. Narendra Modi.
In these critical times in world history, India's philosophy of Oneness has been a beacon light for anyone searching for an answer to resolve the serious conflicts afflicting humanity. Mr. Narendra Modi has the unique privilege of being a popular world leader, the Prime Minister of the nation that is the home of the philosophy of Oneness, as well as a devotee of Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
If there is any prospect of a world leader who can apply the philosophy of Oneness and bring the entire world to appreciate it and politically apply it for the benefit of humanity, it will be Mr. Narendra Modi. However, what would hamper such a happy development to take place is the atmosphere of strife between various communities being created and sustained for electoral considerations by certain elements in his own party. Mr. Narendra Modi has the unique opportunity to break free of domestic compulsions, by committing himself to the philosophy of Oneness and set in motion a global effort for rapprochement and peace among nations.