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Vijayaraghavan Padmanabhan is former Professor of Medicine, Madras Medical College. Based in Chennai, India.
His interests include Spirituality, Politics, Economics and Medicine.
SHARE Wednesday, May 29, 2024 Follow the heart, not the mind...
While politicians have their own reasons for persisting with their mindsets, they have in fact built a mental trap around themselves and are compelled to keep thinking along the established lines. Deep within most people know that a peaceful compromise between the differing sides is in everyone's interest, but to reach that state the deeply entrenched mindsets need to be overcome.
SHARE Wednesday, March 13, 2024 Achieving peace is simple; start from within.
People elect representatives of their choice so that their wishes are carried out. They would expect their day-to-day life needs to be fulfilled. In addition, simple folks would wish people in their society and everyone all over the world to be similarly taken care of.
SHARE Sunday, September 3, 2023 "Save Democracy, Support Partyless Governance"
Those who believe in Democracy have to contend with the existing party-based system of governance that is failing to live up to people's expectations as well as have to fight within the system, people who are prepared to go to any extent to further erode democracy just to promote their own narrow interests.
SHARE Wednesday, February 8, 2023 What do the West and Russia believe they are trying to defend against?
Ignoring the deep-seated thought processes of both sides and persisting with superficial personality-oriented actions can only lead to clash of fundamental perceptions and plunge the world into an already imminent nuclear catastrophe.
SHARE Friday, July 15, 2022 Connecting with Spiritual Intelligence in Medicine
Coming up with a concept or treatment that is completely new and yet suitable for a clinical situation requires not only background knowledge and an empathetic connection with the patient (IQ and EQ) but also a connection with the physician's own creative "inner self" or "soul," which is spiritual intelligence or SQ. While IQ is logical and EQ is intuitive, SQ is instinctive.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, July 2, 2022 Consciousness as the Basis of Disease and Disaster
We can perceive consciousness as the common basis underlying the pandemic as well as apparently unconnected events. Consciousness can be considered to be the basis of everything in the universe, including the myriad living and non-living entities, which are thus inexplicably interconnected. Diseases and disasters apparently manifest at the global level, when there are shifts in the collective human nature and consciousness...
SHARE Saturday, April 23, 2022 Mr. Narendra Modi and the Philosophy of Oneness
In these critical times in world history, India's philosophy of Oneness has been a beacon light for anyone searching for an answer to resolve the serious conflicts afflicting humanity. Mr. Narendra Modi has the unique privilege of being a popular world leader, the Prime Minister of the nation that is the home of the philosophy of Oneness, as well as a devotee of Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
SHARE Sunday, April 3, 2022 Consciencism: It is time for a political philosophy of conscience
The bliss of deep sleep is the ground where problems are resolved and solutions found. There is this resolving ground present within each one of us as the core of one's being where the feeling of 'oneness' is experienced, although subconsciously. This 'oneness' needs to replace 'might is right' as the practical concept and become the basis of a new philosophy of action.
SHARE Saturday, September 4, 2021 Strengthening of democracy makes even greater sense in today's world
Commitment to democracy implies faith in inner strength and the capability to understand others and work together for facing challenges. Non-violence need not be preached in this situation, but doors should be left open for mutual understanding to develop.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, July 2, 2020 The Global Need: Moving from the 'self' to the 'Self'
When the Covid-19 pandemic ends, the world need not be worse off, with existing conflicts, divisions and inequalities further aggravated. Though untold misery may be gone through, humanity as a whole can become strengthened from within, if it moves towards becoming more 'Self-centered', instead of remaining 'self-centered'.
SHARE Monday, May 18, 2020 An Opportunity for Health-Oriented Development
Resumption of activity after several weeks of lockdown has been proceeding in a stepwise manner, though out of compulsion, providing understanding of what is essential and what is relatively non-essential for the society as a whole. The supply of food, water and basic health services form the core needs of any society. Gainful employment, transport and education form the next important needs.
(3 comments) SHARE Monday, May 11, 2020 Coming out of this Pandemic requires a Global Reset
Science and technology can develop the vaccine that is urgently needed. But the underlying predisposing causes require a holistic approach at the global level. A new psycho-socio-politico-economic system that is based on cooperation and understanding and which helps to promote the human quality of 'concern for all' instead of ruthless competition, needs to be put in place.
(3 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 25, 2020 Understanding the Pandemic as an Imbalance of Human Tendencies
Gross imbalance of the three tendencies predisposes the human society as a whole to suffer from diseases. A violent mindset and excessive sensory indulgence are rampant while the serene tendency is very much subdued in the present times. Diseases being nature's way of restoring the balance between tendencies, Covid-19 seems to be nature's answer to set right the grossly imbalanced human tendencies at the global level.
SHARE Thursday, February 27, 2020 An Appeal to Mr. Narendra Modi
The CAA subtly discriminates people on the basis of religion, when the mindset of most people has transcended religion, and is either secular or spiritual. When India is well on the path of becoming a model for other nations to follow, we find that we are into something that is quite the opposite.
SHARE Tuesday, January 16, 2018 Quantum View of Medicine and its Implications
There is a need for a common and coherent model to understand and assimilate the differing philosophical approaches of conventional and alternative medicine. The quantum view of medicine, by visualising 'quanta' of these three 'Eras', gives a rational basis to comprehend all three.
(6 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 4, 2017 Intuitive Medicine
Any new discovery is first 'intuitive' for the discoverer but later is put to test and accepted, based on 'evidence'. Intuition precedes logic. 'Knowledge' is acquired when the understanding is 'meaningful', whether by intuition or logic. The present tendency to glorify logic at the expense of intuition smothers creativity, makes the academic approach mechanical and reduces learning to mere acquisition of recorded information.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 6, 2016 Ensuring the Success of The Bold Move
Instead of going in for a predominantly monetary approach, had the Govt. gone in for a more sensitive psychological cum monetary approach, the way things have unfolded in the on-going demonetization process could have been different. The goodwill of the people towards the 'bold move' should not be dissipated by going overboard in the name of demonetization.
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, July 10, 2016 Fixing the Basic flaw in Medical Education and Health Care
The incomplete and ignorant notion of Medicine that is widely prevalent not only complicates management by making its application mechanical but also results in Medicine being taught in a mechanical manner based on a curriculum that is built mainly on body medicine. Inappropriate glorification of body medicine encourages unnecessary investigations, escalates cost and allows third parties to take control.
(29 comments) SHARE Sunday, September 14, 2014 Holding the Hand of God
A great man said that 'We are playing into the hands of evil because we refuse to hold the hand of God'.