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Life Arts    H3'ed 2/15/17

Multiple Informants Disclose Japan-Russia "Mole" In White House

Clifford Johnson
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Stephen Miller / Japanese robot
Stephen Miller / Japanese robot
(Image by NBC / RT)
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[Satire.] According to numerous highly placed sources in the FBI, CIA, and NSA, Russia and Japan are now controlling the White House through Trump's ostensible senior advisor, Stephen Miller, whose performance on last Sunday's Meet The Press won this Presidential Tweet:

Presidential Tweet
Presidential Tweet
(Image by twitter)
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My sources reveal that sophisticated NSA algorithms have verified that Stephen Miller is a late (male) model of the "ultra-realistic female news announcer" that Japan introduced to the world in 2014, as in the following You Tube video, tellingly shown on Russian Television:

Japanese robot news announcer
Japanese robot news announcer
Image by RT)   Details   DMCA

Last week, Japanese Prime Minister Shinz... Abe 's aides succeeded in surreptitiously updating Miller's firmware so as to ready him--it--for Sunday's prime-time performance, also on You Tube:

Stephen Miller on Meet The Press
Stephen Miller on Meet The Press
Image by NBC / Meet The Press)   Details   DMCA

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Clifford Johnson is a semi-academic naturalized Brit. He first entered the U.S. as a rah-rah Harkness Fellow. For theater, language, and also as a questionable ex-Brit, Johnson adopts a Tom Paine II persona. His activist credentials comprise serial (more...)
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