See original here
It begins as bluntly as any Times editorial I can remember:
"Let's discard the fiction that President Trump wasn't placating white supremacists by responding so weakly to the neo-Nazi violence that killed Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old counter demonstrator in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday. The neo-Nazis heard his message loud and clear."
They then quote the response in The Daily Stormer to Trump's weak response to what happened. They quote it. I will not.
"Mr. Trump is alone in modern presidential history in his willingness to summon demons of bigotry and intolerance in service to himself. He began his political career on a lie about President Barack Obama's citizenship and has failed to firmly condemn the words and deeds of white supremacists, neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan leaders and other bigots who rallied behind him. A number of these people, including David Duke, the former Klan imperial wizard, and Richard Spencer, self-styled theorist of the alt-right, were part of the amen chorus of bigots in Charlottesville."
There is more to the editorial, including the multiple weak statements emanating from the White House. The editorial then provides a contrast from another Republican voice, and then concludes.
Here are the final two paragraphs:
"Meanwhile a handful of congressional Republicans have condemned the hate on display in Charlottesville, and in our politics. Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado said of white supremacists, 'We don't want them in our base, they shouldn't be in a base, we shouldn't call them part of a base.'
"But Mr. Trump does, and in his desperation to rescue his failing presidency, he again clung to them."
his failing presidency --
That this is a statement by the entire editorial board will also carry a lot of weight.