Some of the outpouring that I have seen lately is that certain people are equating Obama and his agendas as being Socialist.
No one has yet to clarify which version of Socialism they believe Obama will hand us over to. Is it Marxism, Leninism, Trotskyism, Stalinism, Castroism, or Hitlerism? Is it the rhetoric of Mao Tse Tung and the gang of seven, or is it the Stalin wanna be in North Korea?
Would it be like the socialized country of Sweden, or would it be socialized medicine such as in Canada. Both countries do get more for their bang in terms of medical care than we do.... With medical bankruptcies up in these United States is there something wrong with our system?
One recent writer in OEN stated that Obama is a communist and his impeccable source of information was - and you'd better sit down for this, YOUTUBE,com. There are those who still assert Hitler was a good guy, right there on YOUTUBE. If you see it on YOUTUBE is must be accurate, right?
With all the mud slinging going on in America's politics, what must the world think about this country that has slipped from grace as badly as the US has these past eight years? Are we just adding to the perception that we are a nation desperately needing Prozac? Are we presenting an America that is so radicalized we can even agree on where the sun sets?
America has truly become its own worst enemy.