In a recent TIME article, the following question was posed to Nancy Pelosi by a reader: “How often do you vote to stick with your party against your better judgment?” Her answer was, “I always say to new members coming in: Follow the C's. We uphold the Constitution, we represent our constituents, and votes can be a matter of conscience. You have to weigh all of that.” Apparently Ms. Pelosi does not follow her own advice.
Uphold the Constitution: We all know by now that Ms. Pelosi has taken it upon herself on behalf of the American people, many of whom have sacrificed their lives, or whose family members have sacrificed their lives, to decide whether or not the American people will execute their right under the Constitution to impeach an administration whose acts have clearly had disastrous effects, by taking impeachment “off the table.” Ms. Pelosi has not only compromised her oath to uphold the Constitution specifically pertaining to impeachment, but her decision has eradicated the Constitutional right of the American people to seek impeachment, while at the same time enabling the continued abuse of powers of the executive branch. Whether or not this, in and of itself, is an impeachable offense is a debate for constitutional law authorities.
Represent Constituents: Nancy Pelosi is WRONG when she continues to state publicly that the approval rating of the Congress is low because of their inability to conclude the war in Iraq. Although the sustained war in Iraq is definitely one of the underlying reasons the Congress’s approval rating is low, the broader reason is their opposition to hold those whose actions have had disastrous effects on this country accountable. Ms. Pelosi has disappointed her constituents, to say the least, and moreover has demonstrated poor judgment. As we have painfully witnessed over the past eight years, the President’s abuses of power resulting in misguided policies and divisive tactics, so too have we witnessed Ms. Pelosi take away our only hope for retribution.
Vote Conscience: Does Ms. Pelosi’s conscience tell her that no crimes have been committed by this administration? One could rationally conclude that this administration has committed the ultimate crime – the betrayal or violation of trust of the American people by means of deception while creating fear to encourage submission. The President and Commander-In-Chief, whose deceptive and divisive agenda has resulted in a multitude of harmful repercussions for America’s citizens, took an oath to protect and defend the American people and the United States Constitution. Not only has one crime been committed, there have been multiple crimes; and of course the ultimate crime. Nancy Pelosi, while promoting her new book on The View, and while attempting to answer why she has taken impeachment “off the table,” reminded the American people of the importance of her position as Speaker of the House, stating “Well, I think that it—I think it was important, when I became Speaker—and it’s, by the way, a very important position—President, Vice President, Speaker of the House—I saw it as my responsibility to try to bring a much divided country together to the extent that we could.” This chain-of-command is important and should be perceived as a chain-of-accountability. It is the moral duty of the Speaker of the House on behalf of the legislative branches, to demand accountability, according to the laws provided within the Constitution, and to hold the President and Vice President accountable for abuses of powers. The HOPE was that the new Congress would bring with it justice for the American people, accountability and punishment for the abusers of power, and an end to the unjustifiable war in Iraq.