North Korea, as the Analyst predicted, is now threatening yet another nuclear test, and escalating the rhetoric with plutonium threats.
The correct strategic response is not “Oh my God, please don’t test”. Rather, it is “Go ahead Kim…and while you’re at it, test a fourth and fifth to boot”.
The AP reports:
1) “North Korea may be preparing for its third nuclear test, a show of defiance as the United Nations considers new sanctions on the dictatorship for conducting an underground nuclear explosion in May, according to a U.S. government official.”
2) “ North Korea vowed Saturday to step up its atomic bomb-making program and threatened war if its ships are stopped as part of new U.N. sanctions aimed at punishing the nation for its latest nuclear test. North Korea's Foreign Ministry also acknowledged for the first time that the country has a uranium enrichment program, and insisted it will never abandon its nuclear ambitions. Uranium and plutonium can be used to make atomic bombs.The threats, in a statement issued through the official Korean Central News Agency, came a day after the Security Council approved new sanctions aimed at depriving the North of the financing used to build its rogue nuclear program.The resolution also authorized searches of North Korean ships suspected of transporting illicit ballistic missile and nuclear materials.The sanctions are "yet another vile product of the U.S.-led offensive of international pressure aimed at undermining ... disarming DPRK and suffocating its economy," the North Korean statement said.Pyongyang blamed Washington for the nuclear tensions, saying it was "compelled to go nuclear in the face of the U.S. hostile policy and its nuclear threats."
The Analyst’s two articles (linked below) stated firmly that tough rhetoric and sanctions are a recipe for disaster and would only inflame, heighten and prolong this Kim Jong-il inspired and manipulated “crisis”. He too specifically recommended to the Obama Administration that when North Korea threatens a nuclear test…to enthusiastically let them test….and punch (test) themselves out (i.e. use up their entire inventory of 5 or 6 nuclear weapons)…aka “Rope a Dope” strategy.
Proposed UN North Korea Strategy: Ignore (aka "Rope a Dope")
North Korea: Only One Solution - "Global Ignore"
Message to President Obama: Do an immediate about face and initiate an altogether new strategic North Korea policy - “Global Ignore”. Start by reversing Friday’s UN Resolution 1874, and simply boycott any future Kim Jong-il (desired) UN sanctioning efforts.
Stop playing Kim Jong-il’s defiance (ego/victim headline) game.
Start playing your own...IGNORE him.
It’s the only way Kim Jong-il will disappear from the headlines and ultimately be removed by his own increasingly destitute, disenfranchised (by him) and desperate people.