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Obama's Inherited Wars by Milton Lee Norris

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Milton Lee Norris
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I listened to the news and I listened to people trying to analyze President Barack Obama; I listened to Bob Woodward the author of a book called "Obama's War." Personally I think that the title is incorrect; Obama's Inherited Wars is a more appropriate title. The wars of which Bob Woodward writes are about wars, which former President Bush entered into during his administration. It sounds like people are trying to make President Obama into a scapegoat for the actions of an inept former President. Have politicians or the American people come down with a convenient amnesia; have they forgotten President Bush's statement concerning the axis of evil? <http://www.acronym.org.uk/dd/dd63/63nr04.htm>

First of all Bob Woodward is a White man, who has written about different Presidential administrations; he is used to having White men, White Presidents to analyze before writing his books. We've never had a Black President before and I don't believe that America put much stock into the possibility of a Black man rising so quickly in politics, none the less becoming President. History tells of how the White man castrated the Black man, among other horrendous things. <http://innercity.org/holt/slavechron.html> If they had paid more attention to this beautiful man and less trying to destroy him, then perhaps they would have learned from him. If they had not been so bent on the destruction of the African-American People of Color, then perhaps they would have learned what we are about. We are a people that don't respond to things the way the White man does, and we definitely don't say the things the way the White man does either. From what I heard, it almost seems as if part of Bob Woodward's book is mocking the President, or is an attack against President Obama, rather than a commentary on Obama's Presidency.

What seems to have Bob Woodward upset is when President Obama says,.... "We'll do everything we can to prevent it," President Obama told Woodward. "But even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever that ever took place on our soil, we absorbed it and we are stronger." This was in response to being given the top secrets after being elected President of the United States, when he was briefed on the constellation of terror worldwide.


Another is when President Obama speaks of not spending a trillion dollars,... "He said, I'm not doing 10 years. I am not doing never-ending nation-building. I'm not going to spend a trillion dollars." <http://abcnews.go.com/WN/bob-woodward-tells-diane-sawyer-book-obamas-wars/story?id=11738879>

Would the American people like the Obama administration to continue robbing the middle class and poor; wasn't one Bush economics of two ongoing wars enough? To spend one trillion dollars on killing and maiming people is against human nature, it's evil, idiotic and it's stupid.

A large part of the problem that Bob Woodward and other writers face, is that America and the historians are up against an invisible wall of sorts; they never thought that a Black man would rise to power as quick as Obama did, and they definitely did not envision this professor to become the first African-American President; they just knew that it would be a woman first and a White woman at that. You see African-American history was not taught in the public schools of America, where Whites were head of the public school systems. Unless you went to an all Black school in the south in the 50's, 60's and 70's, where the students had African-American teachers, you were not taught African-American history. If you haven't been taught anything about their history, and didn't grow up interacting with many, it is impossible to understand the Black man or the human psyche of Black people; America has you missed out on a lot. You see unforeseen things are coming to fruition; America thought that it was all about how White folks thought; now they are beginning to realize, or at least they should be beginning to realize that, oops, we made a huge mistake; we should have studied this African-American History.

First of all the White man had over 400 hundred years to study the Black man, but they thought that he was inconsequential; how stupid was America. They looked at the Black race as being subservient to the White man and didn't deem their place in history as being valuable to the history of the United States of America. I guess somehow they thought that if it wasn't taught in schools, then it wasn't necessary. After all they had prevented the African slaves from reading, writing and studying when they were their slaves, and later looked at them as being only 3/5 of a human being. What everyone should understand including America is that things will come back and bite you in the behind if one is not careful, and that's exactly what's happening to America now. Just look at the quandary with which the White politicians are looking at President Obama now; they can't understand why he says what he says or what he does; this Black man stifles their minds. They are supposed to be the smart ones, but they can't figure this President out; he doesn't fit into any kind of mold they have ever come across.

Personally I find it comical that people like Bob Woodward cannot understand this man; didn't the egotistical White man believe that he was the smartest? It is amazing that with everything that was done against the Black man, that with all the road blocks that were placed before the African-American People of Color, that so many have been able to rise to the top in America, and even to become the President of the United States of America. There are reasons why so many Americans don't understand the Black people. We know about forces and the force from which we were born; we rise from the backs of our ancestors, slaves who built this country and who thrust us forward. Empowering comes from many sources; believing makes things possible; struggling energizes people; failures will sometimes enable one to see more clearly; faith is a hope that we must never forget and prayer moves us in ways that many will never understand. When you tell us that we can't do something, we show you that we can; perhaps that's where part of Obama's chant of "yes we can' came from. America's cruelty to the African-American People of Color sometimes spurned us into action.

It was White America that stood bolding believing that Blacks were inconsequential; many looked at our President as being the same; it was America that told their story in the history books of which everyone studied. It was America that has been blocking progress for so many years, and who kept on blocking the African-American People of Color in employment, education, and from becoming elected officials, firefighters and policemen; yet they continued to encourage them to join the Armed Forces, which many did because this is our country.

I think it is time that other writers, people and politicians start moving this country forward in a way that has never been done before, and that is by teaching everything that you can about what you once or perhaps still call the inconsequential people, the African-American People of Color. As I say in my book "Born In The Wrong Country," " American history is not truthful, it's not honest, it isn't accurate, or maybe it's just truthful and honest to an extent, but to whose extent? America needs to pay attention to the people that she once enslaved; to continue with the arrogant attitude and be dismissive of what the African-American People of Color are about, is the equivalence of digging America deeper into an already deep hole. If these two wars haven't taught America anything; let's hope that they will teach her something. Let's hope that we begin learning, because with all of the technology that this country has at hand, America still is at a loss with how to deal with some foreign people in their own land.

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