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Yolanda Bell

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Yolanda is a tree hugging empathic Republican who believes just because something has not affected or touched your life YET does not mean that it WON'T, or that it doesn't matter. She is someone who believes everyone deserves to have decent healthcare whether they are rich, poor, middle class, healthy, sick, disabled, or chronically ill. All that needs to be known about Yolanda can be summed up in the following 10 words and a quote from Pope Francis. "Principles are only principles when it is inconvenient to have them." and "A population that does not take care of the elderly and of children and the young has no future, because it abuses both its memory and its promise." ~ Pope Francis


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Anastasia Adams, From ImagesAttr
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Is There Truly Justice for The Elderly & Disabled in Our Courts and It's System? Commentary on Healthcare and Justice for the disabled and elderly.

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