Latest past 24 hours: Overnight Israel bombed three more residenntial neighborhoods with over dozens killed(as usual 3/4 are women and children ). And just in the past two hours Israel bombed the UN Al-Falooja school in Jabalia Refugee Camp where hundreds of civiilans where sheltering under UN protection The numbers are not clear yet but the images show dozens of dead and mutilated civilians (more than half are children). The Al-Sifaa Hospital with over thousands people sheltering there and hundreds of patients and hundreds of medical staff was ordered evacuated by the Israeli soldiers (who have entered several times and can enter anytime they want). The Israeli forces have denie water and food to all these people. Many are starving and hundreds are sick and injured and cannot walk and yet are told to get out and walk. Babies out of incubators (no electricity), dialysis patients, many of the injured and cancer have already died due to lack of electricity or medicines. Whether they fully evacuate or not not, Israel will likey bomb the whole complex of medical buildings tonight or tomorrow. Israel did not accept visitation by the UN or the World Health Organization or the International Committee of the Red Cross to Gaza Hospitals (because they will need to keep the lie that Hamas is everywhere and so everywhere must be bombed hospitals, clinics, schools, universities, water tanks etc). This is also coming to tey West Bank as Israel is destroying buildings and infrastructure and using missiles and drones to kill people. Over 6000 children murdered so far! 11,000 Palestinian prisoners being tortured and abused. How many thousands more must be massacred and how much more of Palestinian buildings must be carpet bombed before the Western governments (incluencesd b the Zionist lobby - seebelow) listen to their own people demonstrating in the millions to stop supporrting the genocide!
Five Countries have already brough cases of genocide against Israel in International courts and their are many legal lawsuits started against Western governments for their support of geneocide (most notably Canada and the US).
You can watch and listen live to the ongoing genocide at
Why does the US government support Israel against US interests? Please read the answer here AND DISTRIBUTE WIDELY especially in the US. This is the cause of genocide. click here
Stay Human and keep Palestine alive
Mazin Qumsiyeh A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director Palestine Museum of Natural History Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability Bethlehem University Occupied Palestine