People are hearing about the radioactive tuna fish being found off San Diego, contaminated with cesium. This is a result of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in Japan, and the rivers of the prefecture still spilling radioactive water into the Pacific daily. Here is Question #1:
Image of tuna from Wikipedia
We're on Reality Check TV and the host asks the audience: Which tuna would you choose to buy for your family, the cesium-contaminated tuna from the Pacific Ocean, or the uncontaminated Atlantic Ocean tuna? If you were in the audience which would you choose?
Unfortunately, as obvious as the choice would be, we have to deal now with an entire ocean, our biggest one on planet Earth no less, that is receiving daily mega-doses of radionuclides from Fukushima's nuclear plant waste. The groundwaters and rivers of Fukushima are devastatingly contaminated due to the explosions and ongoing leakage of radioactive water from destroyed/melted down reactors numbered 1-4. It seems that as time has passed, these waters are becoming more and more contaminated, due to winter snow run-off and ongoing leakage of water from the compromised reactor buildings.
In fact, a yamame fish " caught in the Niida River in Iitate, Fukushima Prefecture, measured 18,700 becquerels* of radioactive cesium per kilogram [2.2 pounds], a reading over 37 times more than the government-imposed provisional limit of 500 becquerels per kilogram"this exceeds the 14,400 becquerels per kilogram detected in sand eels in waters off Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture, in April 2011, becoming the highest radiation dose found in sea and freshwater fish since the outbreak of the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant in March [2011].' **
As bad as that sounds, this yamame fish is probably also contaminated with other radionuclides, or radioactive elements, produced as a result of the fissioning of uranium to create heat, to boil water and create steam, that in turn will turn a turbine, and VOILA! the electricity that was once deemed "too cheap to meter." Scientists would have you think that they know all the important facets of what their technology produces, affecting mankind and the planet's environment. However, this is far from true. Especially in the case of the nuclear power plant. Upwards of 1400 radionuclides, or unstable radioactive elements that decay, are formed by this fissioning of uranium. Scientists know very little about the vast majority of these radionuclides. To test for each one is neigh impossible, so the primitive way we try to estimate focal radioactive contamination most often, is by measuring cesium, because it is one of the easiest to measure, and happens to be the most common radioactive element in nuclear waste produced in a nuclear power plant.
Those fish caught off San Diego are just the beginning of what we will see in the Pacific Ocean's life-forms. The radioactive cesium just keeps flowing out of Fukushima's rivers, concentrating in the mud and the kelp, and then, as it works for swordfish and ducks and other larger animals in nature, contamination accumulates as one animal eats another smaller one, or eats plants or kelp or plankton, and then they become increasingly contaminated, on up the food chain. Here we are talking about cesium. Which our human bodies, as one species example, recognize as potassium. You may hear that cesium is a muscle seeker, but you should also be aware that the most plentiful electrolyte in man's cells is potassium, so the radioactive cesium will end up in all of our cells, emitting little beams of radioactivity that will strike the cells' DNA strands, causing disruption of the gene sequence bases. Sometimes these disruptions are spontaneously corrected, sometimes not. If not, we have a new sequence, a "mutation' and some of these mutations become cancers.
Cesium has a "half-life' existence of 30 years, after which half the radioactivity remains. Cesium's "hazardous life' over which we have to worry it can continue emitting radioactive beams, equals 10-20 half lives. That is 300-600 years that Fukushima's cesium (and other radionuclides, each with its own half life and hazardous life) will continue contaminating tuna, whales, kelp, any animal or plant in the Pacific Ocean and along its shores. When we consume these tuna or life-forms we then become vulnerable to the radioactive beams emitted. And children and fetuses (via the placental circulation) are the most susceptible to this radiation, as their cells are dividing more rapidly than adults'. As Fukushima keeps shedding its radioactivity daily into the Pacific Ocean, every life form is increasingly susceptible to cancer and mutation, including man.
- 2012 Conrad Miller M.D.
* T he activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second, each nucleus capable of striking and mutating the DNA struck.
** Mainichi (Japan) Daily News, March 30, 2012
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