Today I stumbled across something called Pajamas - they have a youtube page as well. It is an unbelievable conservative website with articles and short videos bashing the left and liberals. In the short time I have spent watching and reading today, I have seen the site accuse liberals of comparing Obama to Jesus, Rahm Emanuel with Lenin, and all sorts of other ridiculous and outlandish statements. Of course, the entire site is full of finger-pointing at the government, claiming that it was regulation that got us into this mess, not corporate greed and shady business and financial deals, which is the real truth. I can hardly believe that they can spout this crap with a straightface! And of course no conservative site would be complete without gay-bashing. Folks, these are the idiots we are dealing with, who will refuse to face reality rather than accept responsibility for their actions and the havoc they wreak upon society. Just so you know.
The main message of the site is that the liberal Democratic vision for America is nothing short of Lenin communism, and that acceptance of anyone other than white, middle aged men and their subservient families will lead to moral decay and the end of the USA under the wrath of God himself. Clearly, religious bias is present throughout the site. I don't know whether to laugh or cry!