The Elite and Their Political Servants
"Senator Hutchinson, You are not my friend, nor that of the American People."
My Exercise In Futility
Over the past several months I have been engaged in a campaign of hounding a large number of congress members in the naà ¯ve hope of jarring one or two out of the delusional world they occupy.
Sadly, it is I who was delusional.
I began by going to each of their websites and using their email contact module to send a form letter I created demanding the passage of HR 6550, The National Emergency Employment Defense Act .
Since I am not a constituent of most of these faux "representatives", I am not privy to a response from them. Many House members have their sites set up so that non-constituents can't even contact them via email.
To circumvent this issue, wherever possible, I requested whatever variety of "newsletter" was available from each rep that could be contacted, specifying an interest in their budget/economic position. Each time I received a generic "newsletter", I responded by going back to their website contact form, thanking them for the "newsletter" and re-submitting my form letter demanding passage of HR 6550.
After lo these many months, no surprise, nothing but generic responses triggered by the topic one is required to select when using the comments module. No actual or direct response to the specific issue in question.
A Change in Venue
Recently it has been necessary for me to move my family to Texas. Not something I'm particularly happy about.
I decided to abandon my mass nagging campaign in favor of badgering only those reps of whom I am officially a "constituent". I'll be extending my campaign to other Texas reps, including the democrats, in the days ahead, if I can get them to respond directly.
I still choose to hope that if enough people, acting in unison, were to continually bombard their ostensible "representatives" with the same message it could be part of a nonviolent revolution. While we still have access to this technology why not use it to ensure that it, along with all our other rights, is not taken from us? It is a modern "voice" of the People. As such, along with massive demonstrations, civil disobedience and even a general strike, it can and should be a component of a bloodless rebellion.
I recently received a somewhat more "direct" response from one Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Tex.
Below is a copy of my response. Hutchinson in normal text, my response in bold italic.
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