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By: Lance L. Landon
Strange occurrences have been emanating from the Grand Old Party. Will we as a nation survive or will the United States of America all ready be becoming something too terrible to imagine?
'We've given you a constitutional Republic, now the question is can you keep it' paraphrasing Benjamin Franklin in 1789. Our forefathers pledged their lives to create our country. What do some of our politicians pledge today? How much money have you got?
The greed for power has over run the greed for money as being the root of all evil! When potential emigrants and their children are held in detention in inhuman conditions the end result brings on traumatic stress disorder making it close to impossible for those people to go on in life in a more normal way, that is if they are still alive by the time they are either released or deported back to the extreme dangers from which they were fleeing in Central America. Is this not a form of genocide? Trying to wipe out entire races of human beings is unthinkable in our United States, yet we see it happening before our very eyes.
Understanding the Political Spectrum
A political spectrum is a way of looking at and analyzing the persuasions and philosophies of the various political systems in play in our times. While there are many such political spectrum charts, there is one I in particularly admire from Drexel Education. [0] This chart best accounts for what one should expect to see relative to the most common political spectrum charts. I am providing a more politically oriented chart of my own making with a glossary of references (after the end of this article) to more detailed information. That chart appears below on the this or the next page.
Socialism is often condemned as evil but is seldom understood by many, in fact many on the right call Socialism evil. Yes, in its purest form Socialism is almost as bad as Communism. In the United States we can vote through our Congressional Representatives to make laws regarding what if any Socialist programs we might endeavor to employ. Our forefathers considered them to be the Commons, as in common interests. The word for Socialism was not in common use in those early times of American history. Those programs that may be considered as Socialist but are selected to become law by our chosen Representatives are considered to be Democratic Socialist in nature.
Here in our United States many people may not realize just how how many programs there are that may be deemed (Democratic) Socialist that exist and that we depend on in our everyday lives. To name a few: Roads, Schools (and Colleges to some degree), parks, police departments and fire departments. There are probably many more. Also many cities and counties provide various utilities. i.e., Electricity, gas, water, sewerage, trash pickup, ambulance service and a few may supply Internet Wi-Fi services.
But the list does not end there. Social Security, Medicare, the American Care Act are just a few more. Essentially anything that the Government supplies to its citizenry either for free or that the citizens buy from the government may be considered as Socialist. Here is one that may not have been considered, many governments harbor a military only for the protection of the government, but when the military is used to further the well being of the citizens then that is essentially Socialist. Consider the Army Corp of Engineers as an example.
We could have a situation where in order for someone to join the military they would have to supply their own advanced college degrees, facilities, food, uniforms, weapons and large weapon systems such as fighter jets, ships, tanks etc. So every citizen should be so rich that they can have their own military and attendant billions of Dollars of military equipment; of course they could group together as an organization except that owning most large military equipment including nuclear bombs would not be legal. Probably no citizen would be able to join a military organization or at best, just a few. Better order your robots now!
Just one more Socialist thing is that since the military supplies a General Issue (G.I.) with literally everything from uniforms, laundry, barracks, mess halls with food, government stores, weapons, ammunition, transportation, all medical care, Veteran medical care, education, advanced degree college courses, occasional entertainment and just about anything else one can be imagining; well then this makes the internal working of an indispensable military force a Socialist institution. Albeit, a Democratic Socialist institution that could really not exist in any other form. Nor could the United States exist without our military.
Are Typical American Churches Religious or Christian?
That some religions would support a 'want to be dictator' who misuses America so despotically is an assault on their purported beliefs. Religions sure call out on the name of Jesus (His real name is Yeshua Bar Yosef)[1] a lot but these religions sure have forgotten his words, such as "Do unto others as you would have done unto you"[2] in the Golden Rule, "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven"[3] , and so many more of his words these same religions appear to have forgotten such as "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples"[4] The quest for power of the institution is greater than the message in many religions today. But don't worry, these same religions only love money and power.
By the way, Jesus did not look like the pictures of a 13th century white European long haired man. [5] Yeshua looked like many of the members of his particular sect being around five or so feet tall with very dark brown skin and short cropped beard and hair [6] as he is described in the bible [7] he looked like the other members of his sect and had to be pointed out to the Roman Militia in the garden of Gethsemane as reported in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John [8] and in the more recently discovered, Book of Judas. There is an image derived from a member of Jesus sect that can give the reader a visual image of how people looked [9] in Jesus' tribe. Of course those God fearing Republicans love to torture and keep immigrant seeking parents from their children and retain these little children from their parents, thus torturing their souls.
To do evil in the name of self righteous good
Are these churches who support the Republicans actually worshiping the biblical devil and only masquerading as Christians? Whatever they are doing it is in support of pure evil and greed. It would seem many pro Republican churches are more interested in enriching and empowering their churches than in doing good to or for others. I would stress that there are many good churches helping people also. Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." Many of today's religious and political institutions are bowing to the fear of losing power and giving into evil.
A Certain Laziness in the GOP Oriented Systems
TAXES! Some Republican oriented organizations at one time in our recent past wanted to make their political corporations into tax free charitable organizations. The IRS denied and/or delayed actions to dismiss these attempts to defraud the government. Politicians and their member organizations were furious and said that they were being discriminated against as compared to Democratic leaning corporations. As I followed this news at that time, the IRS from the top down seemed to be speechless as it appeared they did not even know what to say nor describe the malfeasance of these protesting groups with any acumen. It was clear from the news that the IRS was only acting as the law directed them to. When a top official from the IRS, Lois Learner in about 2013 went before Congress where she should have thrown the directives back in their faces as it was up to Congress to change their own laws if they could even do so without having a legal conflict in the House of Representatives.
It further shows an incompetence for both groups to be so unaware of those issues that for them seemed to them confounding, yet seemed so simple to me but yet incomprehensible to their so very unknowledgeable minds. Further that these political corporation owners could not take advantage of their corporate tax advantages. What are they? Three year olds, perhaps! A major factor was for Republicans (and some Democrats, also) to be able to hide massive religious and other donations in addition to other arguments.
Republicans seem to want to do nothing yet make money from sources better left out on their own. Meanwhile the American citizenry suffer due to both political as well as monetary greed. Not to not mention that some Democrats have also acted in this way. This is just an example of laziness and crookedness.
The Fascist Trend
As the Republicans have grown further and further to the right so much so that they are going into the Reactionary (Fascist) segment of the political spectrum since the era of Newt Gingrich in the 1990s, The Democratic party has been slower to adopt a stronger left leaning stance until more recently during the Trump White House era. Both parties have grown so far apart that it almost feels like a civil war betwixt them. Frankly if some violence amongst them were to occur I would not be surprised. It has happened in other countries. The Repubs (a contraction for Republicans) are afraid that we the people won't be living in enough fear, we're supposed to be afraid, very afraid.
Paranoid Incivility
If our politicians are so afraid of their own shadow that they cannot represent us, their constituents, then it is time to leave and take your lifetime pension with you! When many wrongs are accumulated by those too unscrupulous to be in the positions they occupy, only holding a house keeping position, then those individuals can no longer operate in our county's (and our peoples') best interests, being both corrupted and corruptible. Now then they are the subjects of bribery, crookedness and subsequent Congressional and Judicial review.
There is a tendency for some in high places within our government to begin to think of them selves as royalty, they are not. We do not have royalty, so get over yourselves and your massive ego and do something positive and good for America. Often being caught between fear for crimes they have committed on one hand and on the other hand a feeling of omnipotency and that this last part of the description is never justifiable. This brings about insensitivity and discivility to those whom they represent. Taking retribution against their constituents is criminal if that is part of their reaction to criticism or inquest.
Only the truth can set you free, it has been said. Dishonesty in our political representatives is used to gain power and/or to enrich themselves but this goes on much to frequently. It was during Henry Kissinger's time in our government that I became aware of too many secret agreements of foreign intrigue where occurring in the U.S. diplomatic arena. This to me made our government involvement in what appeared to be illicit collusion for personal gain. Some Kissinger quotations: "Power is the great aphrodisiac." "The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer." This last statement is what a democratic republic cannot stand for nor tolerate. That is like Russia saying, 'Today we just take little piece of your country, tomorrow, we take the rest!'
While secret information in the government and military are often a requirement. Military plans, engineering and scientific designs must be protected. Quite often the government must suppress the release of sensitive diplomatic data, information and ongoing plans. A government that cannot operate openly cannot long survive as a democracy nor even as a republic. We must have a government where the various Representatives, Justices, President and Staff, departments and agencies work together congruously. To do less creates great instability and reduces believability .
What we must vote for are true statesmen and stateswomen, perhaps statesperson is a more appropriate modern term. Our writers of the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution worked forthrightly and tirelessly to form a workable democratic republic; It only takes a few dishonest members of our government to start to tear it down. This includes the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, the President and the White House staff, FBI and Justice Department and any other Agencies under the Presidents' per view. Having a positive agenda for our country that reflects the interests of the people is indispensable. Having an agenda that is counter to Americans interest is unforgivable.
So while the Repubs (a contracted name for Republicans just as they call the Democratic Party the Democrat Party) are growing into Fascism the Democrats are becoming more liberal, even Democratic or Socialist Liberals. When we now see the incomprehensible mistreatment, especially of migrant children, by the Republicans who continuously side with inhumanity, it is apparent that many of them are no longer human, if indeed they ever were. Well, I guess the Republicans are scared. And well they should be, history recounts what happened to Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini and especially to the breakup of Germany after World War II. Once again, the desire for absolute power corrupts completely. In fact, eventually it blows up everything that, that attainment would bring.
My Way or the Highway!
I'll take the highway, the Repub way is too crooked to even consider. It starts to look like hatred has taken over, even more so in the Republican agenda. I am certain the Repubs have a bad attitude but also could it be that some of those in power are actually mentally ill when taking into consideration the horrible policies they are supporting and upholding.
Love It or Leave IT?
True patriotism requires that we citizens point out anything we discover that should be improved upon or changed; we don't march in lock step as is required in the Fascist world because we are a free people. Patriotism is not mouthing agreement with the words of anyone who is leading our country or anything else. It is the disputation of agreement with that which may be deemed wrong. Our loyalty is to our country and our Constitution, and to the people thereof so we challenge that which may have become acceptable to some but disregards the many. This is how it should be, this is how it must be! So many worked so hard to make our freedoms a reality that we cannot, must not ever go back to tyranny. So I suggest that the Republicans leave if they do not like freedom and equality because the rest of us are not leaving!
Go Back to Where YOU came From
That's interesting because we all came from somewhere else. Granted many of us were born on American soil and some of us have a small degree of native American Indian in our genes (American Indians are completely or at least even way more so 100%). Any person who is a member of Congress must be either a native citizen or naturalized citizen of these United States or its territories. So it is very childish (and mentally diminished) for someone to try to in this way bully Congresswomen or anyone else for that matter. It won't be much longer that we white people will then be in the minority. Personally considering what I have seen of my own race I think people of color of all kinds are a welcome improvement to who we are.
Where will it all end up?
Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. The question is when will enough people wake up long enough to see the truth and see through the smoke and mirrors of deception authored by the cheaters and liars to be so deceived by the Republican agenda. It might help to be capable to recognize the signs of mental illness, not by opinion but my self educating oneself about the subject.
The Power of the PEN
Or the quill in the case of our founders of the U.S. Constitution which was carried on through the power of the press. A great example of the expression of American freedom is the Federalist Papers, a collection of 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay with the name of "Publius" used to promote the construction and the ratification of the United States Constitution. It is always important to present new and different ideas in the promotion of establishing a better America.
This has been a nation of 'Promise' and great ideals that have propelled our nation's success. Now we are seeing those great ideals stomped on and now is the time to push back forcefully before we permanently lose our liberties that are currently being chipped away as we watch, sometimes in horror at what has been more recently happening.
The Big Questions?
Now here is the conundrum. Some of the Republicans seem like they are still fighting the Civil War that the South lost. Their efforts appear to be to destroy America, not save it. Repubs still claim they don't want to spend money if the Democrats are in power but when they have a chance then its time to ruin the economy; and its all only for the very wealthy, not for the Americans who have to work for a living. It is interesting to note what the Republicans in the House of Representatives had no plan for the American Medical Care. While they compromised on the Affordable Care Act that was made official the Republicans since the current Republican administration have and still are trying to destroy medical care for Americans and appear to never plan to create anything to replace it. The Republican motto should be, 'We want all the power but we will not use it to do anything good for anyone including the people and citizens of the United States.'
Upon seeing the blank pages of the Republican health plan Democratic Congressman, Alan Grayson, noted the Republicans' health care plan for America: "Don't get sick." That's right - don't get sick. If you have insurance, don't get sick; if you don't have insurance, don't get sick; if you're sick, don't get sick - just don't get sick! That's what the Republicans have in mind for you, America. That's the Republicans' health care plan. But I think that the Republicans understand that that plan isn't always going to work - it's not a foolproof plan. So the Republicans have a backup plan, in case you do get sick. If you get sick in America, this is what the Republicans want you to do. If you get sick, America, the Republican health care plan is this: "Die quickly." That's right. The Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick."
And so it seems likely that if the Repubs could pull it off there would be no ACA health care, no Medicare/Medicaid, no Social Security, no Veterans' care, no clean water, no clean oceans, no safe land to live on, certainly no clean air and as much nuclear radiation as they could subject all of us to; all of us meaning regular Americans who work or are retired or their children just wasting time in public school when these children could be working in Republican slave labor camps until they dropped dead, of course. After all the poor Repubs have to add to their collection of big homes in multiples around the country and around the world, too. There are some good Republicans out there but they are becoming very rare, though some seem to be beginning to have a clearer vision and to see the light. Words to describe Repubs are: Selfish, lazy, creepy, monsters, power mongers, greedy, afraid, negative attitude, mentally ill, torturers, genocidal, paranoid, criminal megalomaniacs who want it all and then they want a lot more even if it doesn't exist. A megalomaniac is a pathological egotist sickness, which really is someone with a psychological disorder. Symptoms such as delusions of grandeur and obsession with power. Such individuals are convinced that they have and somehow deserve absolute power and greatness.
So if someone reading this likes dying as soon as possible and that includes, your children, spouse, pets, your memories and everything and everyone who ever meant anything to you all dying and all your memories wiped off the face of this Earth as we normal Americans are dying off in a Republican run 'Banana Republic' then, JUST VOTE REPUBLICAN! They will be glad to make sure you don't exist. The Repubs only need you long enough to vote for them one more time, then its dictatorship and your rights are gone! If anything I have said really upsets you and I really hope it does, then that's good and I have succeeded to some small degree in my efforts.
Once a party that stood for freedom and greatness, it now has no ethical nor moral compass left. It is now just a skeleton of once what it was. So what do you call a political party that eliminates your life and all you ever cared for? I know what I call the Repubs. The party that does everything it can to kill us all should be treated real special, if you know what I mean. So is this what the Republican party has become?
Now this is as the Repubs shall all forevermore be known , because:
The Republican Party is the Party of DEATH! Period.
Glossary of Political Definitions & Terminologies:
[G1] Authoritarianism: Belief in Government that can exhibit absolute control whenever it suits that government.
[G2] Capitalist: A free enterprise system of private business for monetary gain that may coexist with Socialism or Communism in some instances still occurring as of this writing. (wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalism)
[G3] Centrist: Moderation in approach to political positions. Wide range of types of Centrist positions. (wikipedia.org/wiki/Centrism)
[G4] Communist: A society in which all property is publicly owned. An ideology with many facets. (wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism)
[G5] Conservative: Chooses traditional values and opposes change or innovation. Support for free enterprise, private ownership, and socially conservative points of view. (wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservatism)
[G6] The Commons: Commons in early America were various items and Institutions for the "Common Good and Welfare" of Citizens. (click here)
[G7] Democrat: Pro democracy; working to forward the lives of broad masses of the people; policies of positive social formation of laws and internationalism. (wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy)
[G8] Dictatorship: authoritarian form of government with limited political pluralism
and absolute rule, undemocratic rule, despotism, autocracy, tyranny, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, absolutism, Fascism, oppression, suppression, repression, subjugation, domination, totalitarian state, autocracy, autarchy, monocracy; dystopia (wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictatorship)
[G9] Fascist: Promotes nationalism and race more than the people that is an autocratic government run by a dictatorial head of state. Regimentation of economic and social Behavior with suppression of all opposition to the government in control. An authoritarian ultranationalis t ic radical right-wing form of governance. (wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism)
[G10] Kingdom: An autocratic form of government that may be run like a dictatorship or may be operated more benevolently. (wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_forms_of_government)
[G11] Left: Political Left is relating to a political party or person or group favoring liberal, socialist, or even radical views. social equality and egalitarianism . (wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing politics)
[G1 2 ] Liberal: Refers to new behavior and opinions. Being more willing to discard traditional values. Concerned more with broadening knowledge and experience. These United States has a modern form of Liberalism embracing civil liberty and equality with support for social justice and a mixed econom i c structure. (click here)
[G1 3 ] Libertarianism: Extremist political laissez-faire philosophy pursuing little if any government entanglement amongst citizenry. (wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarianism)
[G1 4 ] Mussolinism: Italian Fascist Party fascism formed by Benito Mussolini . (wikipedia.org/wiki/Benito_Mussolini)
[G1 5 ] Nazism: Extreme form of Fascist Nationalism [National Socialist German Workers' Party] (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) (wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism)
[G1 6 ] Reactionary: Opposition to any political or social liberalization or reform. Initiation of a policy opposing liberal or progressive actions that would lead to an improvement in a social condition. (wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactionary)
[G17] [G17a] Republican: Form of government, constitution, etc. belonging to, or characteristic of a republic. Advocating or supporting republican government. The 20th century Republican Party is the very definition of American conservatism . It supports lower taxes, free market capitalism , a strong national defense, gun rights , pro-life , deregulation and restrictions on labor unions . It advocates conservative economic policies and a form of social conservatism. (click here
[G1 8 ] Right: The political right opposes socialism and social democracy. Right-wing parties include conservatives, Christian democrats, classical liberals (political ideology as a form of liberalism that advocates for civil liberties under rule of law with economic freedom.), nationalists; and on the far-right, racists and fascists. (wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_politics)
[G1 9 ] Socialist: In these United States Social democracy and Democratic Socialism is a political, social and economic philosophy that helps support economic and social conditions t hat prom ulgate social justice within liberal democratic poli c y and a mixed economy . (wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialism)
Glossary of Internet References:
[0] (.pages.drexel.edu/~garfinkm/Spectrum.gif)
[2] (Luke 6:31 and Matthew 7:12)[click here]
[3] (Matthew 9:14)[click here]
[4] (John 13:34-35 New International Version)[click here]
[5] (hristianbook.com/dg/product/web/f400/576101.jpg)
[6] (wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_appearance_of_Jesus)
[7] (.bibleinfo.com/en/questions/what-did-jesus-look-like)
[8] (Matthew 21:46-21:50)[click here]