The school of psychotherapist and sexology believes that a complete and fulfilled sex life is a prerequisite for human health, especially emotionally and psychologically. This school of thought assumes that sexual arousal and orgasm are both bio-electrical processes that are directly related to the function and health of the rest of our body's organs and bio-electrical processes.
This train of thought also believe that the male and female genitalia are the exact complements of each other, designed for the purpose of allowing male and female, when properly joined, to create and complete a larger bio-electrical circuit. Only with the potential of this larger, shared circuit can we fully and properly utilize and release the sexual electricity/energy that pulses through us. And if sexual arousal and orgasm are not properly used to continually circulate this sexual energy/tension within the body, than this "bottling up" of energy will cause health and psychological problems.
Similarly, only the synergy and potential created by this correctly completed "sexual circuit" is capable of allowing both male and female to achieve their individual sexual potential; theoretically, the best, most exciting and fulfilling orgasms and climaxes can only be created through this method.
Yes, it's true, not all psychotherapists and sexologists will agree with this school of thought; however, true believers will still be in good company. In 1905, "Sexuality in the Aetiology of the Neuroses" Freud wrote, "No neuroses is possible with a normal sexual vitae."
Dr. Wilhelm Reich referred to the "proper and complete orgasm" as "Orgastic Potency." "Function of the Orgasm" (1927), Dr. Reich further defined it as "the capacity for the surrender of the flow of biological energy without any inhibition, the capacity for complete discharge of all dammed-up sexual excitation through involuntary pleasurable contractions of the body." Not a single neurotic individual possesses orgastic potency; the proof of this fact is the fact that the vast majority of humans suffer from a character neurosis."
Alfred Kinsey said "intercourse between husband and wife is one of the most completely mutual activities in which two individuals are engage, and achieve simultaneous orgasm is the greatest achievement which is possible in a sexual relationship."
One of the physical indications of the proper flow and discharge of this orgastic energy is the warm "melting" feeling that both men and women describe as being part of their deepest and most fulfilling sexual experience. It is often stated that "The Perfect Sex Position" is the most reliable and effective ways for both men and women to achieve this type of "melting" orgasm.
"The Perfect Sex Position" was introduced to the study of sexology and advanced by Edward Eichel, a psychotherapist. In 1977, Eichel delivered a paper to the Congress of Medical Sexology in Rome and named this position the "Coital Alignment Technique (CAT)" and said that the benefits included a "synergic effect that rejuvenates the whole psyche." The early works by Masters and Johnson, a similar sexual position was referred to as the "Coital Overdrive Position (COP)."
Dr. Smith is a psychologist and psychotherapist he consults with individuals and couples on matters that's profoundly private and confidential. For additional information go to