Putin Out Maneuvers Puppeteers of ISIS, Declares War under UN Charter!
Putin out maneuvers creators and supporters of ISIS, declares war under UN Charter rights to strike ISIS and their supporters anywhere anytime. Checkmate indeed!
Putin: "We must do this without any statute of limitations and we must find out all their names", while invoking Russia's right to self-defense under the United Nations charter.
"Anyone who tries to help the criminals should know that the consequences for trying to shelter them will lie completely on their shoulders." here
Thousands of ISIS fighters are now fighting with the Saudis, a Yemeni source said that the exact number of the reinforcements is not yet known but approximately between 1,500 to 2,000 militants have come to the southern port city to fight alongside the terror group.
He added that during the past few days a number of airplanes with hundreds of militants aboard had landed at the city's airport "under condition of high secrecy and reinforced security."
On Tuesday, the spokesman of the Syrian Armed Forces, Brigadier
General Ali Mayhoub, said that two planes from Turkey, one from the United
Arab Emirates, and another from Qatar had transported 500 Daesh terrorists
fleeing from Syria to an airport in Aden. ISIS (here) are going
to be the recipient of hell, fire and brimstone soon bringing control of the
sea of Adan, Gulf of Oman, the Persian Gulf, the entrance to the Red Sea as
well as the Arabian Sea under control of the Russian coalition. Did
I forget to mention the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and Caspian Sea are already
under lock down. President Erdogan are
you paying attention here?
I would beg to disagree or rather offer another possible scenario that is not quite as bleak as Paul Craig Roberts's "Guile Replaces the Stick".
"Realizing that guile can be more effective than the stick, the West is moving toward drawing Russia into the Western system by offering a coalition against ISIL. Once Russia is in a coalition against ISIL, Russia will lose control. This is Washington's strategy for counteracting the initiative that Russia seized in Syria."
Evidence Putin's Russia in all that they have achieved in the past few decades from rebuilding self-defense forces and weapons to not only an emergency response to the economic war (sanctions) pursued against Russia but a stabilization in the near term and a sound stable defensive economic system for the future, BRICS.
They have enhanced and increased commercial trade unions and energy agreements while showcasing trade in military equipment of what appears to be the latest greatest technology in all areas of systems that actually work as designed. Intercontinental High Speed Rail Systems to transport people and trade, "The New Asian European Oriental Express" no navies or merchant fleets need apply. This opens up a complete replacement or diversification in trade partners. And of course we see an investment in its infrastructure for their people and their future. This does not sound like a nation that is going to capitulate to being gullible to anyone.
How do you say surrounded to the creators and funders of DAESH, checkmate!