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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 6/18/24

Putin is in North Korea meeting Kim Jong-Un. Tomorrow he's in Vietnam. The US is none too happy with his diplomacy

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Dave Lefcourt
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Vladimir Putin to visit North Korea Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit North Korea on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Kremlin made the announcement on ...
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Russian President Vladimir Putin pictured with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un

Russian President Vladimir Putin is currently on a two day visit to North Korea and meeting that counties leader Kim Jong-Un.

Tomorrow he'll begin a two day visit to Vietnam.

To say the least the US is none too happy with Putin's international diplomatic forays meeting those countries leaders.

A US embassy spokesman in Hanoi put it this way saying, "no country should give Putin a platform to promote his war of aggression and otherwise allow him to normalize his atrocities". [1]

"If he is able to travel freely it could normalize Russia's blatant violations of international law".

Got that, war of aggression, normalize atrocities and blatant violations of international law. How any US "official" can say such things with a straight face considering the US multiple wars of aggression i.e. Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, atrocities it has committed i.e. torture against detainees in Guantanamo, Cuba, Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq to name two instances, and its blatant violations of international law i.e. the coup in Iran in 1953, the CIA invasion at the Bay of Pigs, Cuba in 1961, the coup in Chile in 1972, the Iran-Contra shenanigans in the 1980's, the coup in Kiev, Ukraine 2014 to name a few, is the height of hypocrisy.

Unless you've been living under a rock this last quarter of a century and just recently emerged you've missed 9/11, the illegal invasions of Afghanistan in October 2001 going after the supposed architect of that fateful day Osama bin Laden, the illegal invasion of Iraq by "Dubya" Bush in March 2003, supposedly going after Saddam Hussein's WMD with him accused of being an ally of bin Laden and in February 2014 the US instigated coup of Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych who had to flee for his life as suspected Neo Nazi sharpshooters killed spectators and police alike during protests of his government.

Lately we're seeing the US support of Israel in its genocidal war against the Palestinian's killing over 37,000 mostly women and children.

Thus any reason to listen to a US "official" condemning other countries violations of international law, wars of aggression and the atrocities they may have committed is as said earlier the height of hypocrisy.

One supposes all countries governments have committed sinister acts during their reign of existence but none have done it with an air of innocence as the US has done, promoting itself as the indispensable country promoting freedom and democracy.

It would be laughable if it wasn't so serious.

Yet the sense here is most Americans have drunk the Kool aid and accept US righteousness somehow remaining oblivious to the transgressions committed by its government.

Here we are in mid June and in less than 5 months we'll have a presidential election with Joe Biden the presumed Dem nominee against the recently convicted Donald Trump as the Repubs choice, neither of which the people in the US say in polls want neither of them running.

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