Disguising itself as "mainstream," while simultaneously denouncing the "lamestream media" (aka every respected news outlet), Fox News has managed to entrench itself at the very heart of modern politics" but not necessarily for the better.
Americans are at an all-time low level of political and historical knowledge, as suggested by a relatively recent Newsweek survey . Many blame Fox News -- not just for its Conservative bent, but for its seemingly deliberate attempts at distorting the facts.
I recently witnessed one of the network's misinformation tactics: never give President Obama credit for anything remotely good. While I was watching various coverage of the needless debt ceiling drama, one of their reporters mentioned that one side (Obama) was offering a significantly higher amount of cuts than the other (House Republicans), but they did not happen to mention any names or titles when it came to describing and differentiating between the two sides. In fact, they practically just dismissed it. But who could blame them? They wouldn't want a few blind followers to suddenly get their sight back, right?
And that brings me to my main point. Fox (some jokingly spell it "Faux") News is not of, by, or for the viewers -- as its characters suggest. In reality, it is just an instrument of the tried-and-true Conservative special interests, while at the same time, a major power (perhaps THE major power) within the Republican party.
I think I'll just follow Canada's lead and stick with CNN.