If the Democratic Party stands for anything today, it stands for the remnants of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal and Lyndon Johnson's Great Society, and if a Democratic administration with majorities in both houses of Congress simultaneously attacks New Deal Programs like Social Security and Great Society programs like Food Stamps, then the Democratic Party stands for nothing, and even the name of it is just a noise.
And" surprise!
Obama and his playmates are simultaneously attacking food stamps and Social Security.
President Obama in August signed a $26 billion bill to save teaching jobs and pay for Medicare. It included a $12 billion -- or 14 percent -- reduction in food stamp funding scheduled to kick in during 2014.
This is at a time when more than 41,000,000 Americans depend on food stamps, an all-time record, and an increase of about 8,000,000 since last year.
And while Obama's "Deficit Commission" continues with its formerly secret plan to cut Social Security benefits, you may very well wonder"
How the heck do the Democrats think they can win an election with out-of-control unemployment and a platform of gutting food stamps and Social Security, and the answer as always is"
Because the Republicans are worse!
And how the heck do the Republicans think they can win an election with their legacy of extremely unpopular wars and an economic meltdown?
Because the Democrats are worse!
This never-ending "bipartisan" scam is the push-me/pull-you engine of American politics.
The Republican platform of yesterday is the Democratic platform of today, and the Republican platform of today is a previously inconceivable further reversion toward the dog-eat-dog primitivism of 19th Century robber-barons and the miserable impoverishment of almost all of us.