Congressman Tim Ryan (D-OH), currently serving in his fifth term, is author of A MINDFUL NATION: How a Simple Practice Can Help Us Reduce Stress, Improve Performance, and Recapture the American Spirit
As part of the The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine's (NICABM) current Mindfulness Webinar, Ryan will offer "Recapturing the American Spirit through Mindfulness" on Wed. Nov. 28, at 5 pm EDT.
Topics he will address include:
The unexpected meeting of politics and mindfulness
Transforming school curriculums through mindfulness
Improving medicine (while saving money) through mindfulness
The importance of mindfulness for a politically divided nation
Mindful warriors: what mindfulness can do for America's soldiers
Google and more: How Mindfulness can transform the economy
Watching the webinar is free at the time of the broadcast for those who sign up ahead of time.
Ryan says that the practice of mindfulness increases mental resiliency , which suggests that it might act as an inoculation against PTSD.
In a Washington Post interview, Ryan said, "I think when you realize that U.S. Marines are using this that it's already in the mainstream of our culture," he says. "It's a real technique that has real usefulness that has been scientifically documented ... Why wouldn't we have this as part of our health-care program to prevent high levels of stress that cause heart disease and ulcers and Type 2 diabetes and everything else?"
Ryan is a member of the House Armed Services Committee and its Subcommittees on Readiness and on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, a member of the House Budget Committee, and co-chairman of the Congressional Manufacturing Caucus. He keeps a daily mindfulness meditation practice.
A MINDFUL NATION: How a Simple Practice Can Help Us Reduce Stress, Improve Performance, and Recapture the American Spirit
By Congressman Tim Ryan
Hay House; April 2012; Hardcover; $19.95
ISBN: 978-1-4019-3929-8
About the Author
Congressman Tim Ryan was first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives at the age of 29, and is currently serving in his fifth term representing northeast Ohio. Congressman Ryan has helped to get mindfulness and social and emotional learning programs established in several schools in his district and spearheaded a medical school conference on Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction.