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Update on the Quantum Path to Peace in Ukraine

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(Image by Pixabay: kalyanayahaluwo)
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As noted in The Quantum Path to Peace in Ukraine, John Hagelin, Ph.D., National Director, U.S. TM Organization; President, Maharishi International University and International President, Global Union of Scientists for Peace, stated that the organization was placing groups of meditators in strategic positions in Russia and Ukraine in order to facilitate deescalation of violence and to support peace-promoting activities in the area.

John S. Hagelin.
John S. Hagelin.
(Image by Wikipedia (commons.wikimedia.org))
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In his update on March 2, Hagelin states:

There are now two World Peace Assemblies for those who practice the advanced TM-Sidhi program with 45 in the mountains of Western Ukraine and 80 in Russia. Travel restrictions and dangerous conditions make it difficult for more volunteers to join in Ukraine but the numbers in Russia are increasing. All participants are safe and practicing the TM-Sidhi program comfortably awakening the deep silence and coherence of the field of Transcendental Consciousness for themselves and their countries.

I thank everyone whose generous donations to our GoFundMe campaign have made this possible. With over 1300 donors from around the world we have raised $250,000 in addition to $150,000 donated by our U.S. and international Transcendental Meditation organizations.

To learn more about this effort please see my February 7 message or visit our GoFundMe page. My last update was on March 2.

To supplement the peaceful influence these two groups are creating for the region, on March 12 we began a World Peace Assembly in Romania, which shares a 382-mile border with Ukraine.

Practitioners of the TM-Sidhi program are coming from around the world with 30 participants so far and 100 more applications. Your donations will help to provide scholarships through the end of April for those in need. We hope this Assembly will attract hundreds of volunteers to deliver a powerful effect of harmony and coherence.

Hagelin states that the Transcendental Meditation (TM ®) technique "has a powerful effect on reducing acute societal stress, especially when groups of people practice the advanced TM" Sidhi ® program together. Even a small number of advanced TM practitioners can create a powerful, peaceful impact for entire countries, as this one minute clip with 2.8M Facebook views explains."

Maharishi Huntsville Jan 1978A.JPG
Maharishi Huntsville Jan 1978A.JPG
(Image by Wikipedia (commons.wikimedia.org))
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Meryl Ann Butler is an artist, author, educator and OpedNews Managing Editor who has been actively engaged in utilizing the arts as stepping-stones toward joy-filled wellbeing since she was a hippie. She began writing for OpEdNews in Feb, 2004. She became a Senior Editor in August 2012 and Managing Editor in January, (more...)

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