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Reduce Your WiFi Exposure During COVID19 Quarantine at Home

Beverly Jensen
Message Beverly Jensen
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Metro Wireless Node.
Metro Wireless Node.
(Image by (From Wikimedia) Robo56, Author: Robo56)
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With schools closed, maybe classes being held online, and parents telecommuting from home, we're at risk for more exposure to our home electronics than usual. But don't huddle the family around WiFi electronics during this home stay.

During an ordinary day, children and their parents depend upon WiFi usually more than is healthy for minimizing exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF or EMRadiation). With everyone having to remain in or near the home for a few weeks, the exposure to the radiation from our home electronics has risen dramatically.

While there is little discussion in the general public sphere on the health impacts of our use of electronics, that's no indication of the gravity of the situation. Lloyd's of London, the bellwether of the insurance industry, decided in 2015 that there was ample scientific evidence of the non-ionizing radiation effects of cell phones (and all wireless devices) on humans. Since then the insurance industry excludes coverage in their policies for health consequences of EMF; cell-phone radiation is treated as a pollutant similar to asbestos.

This radiation is a pollutant that we can't see or smell but we (and our pets) will eventually all feel. When you develop a sensitivity to the EMF it can be in the form of headaches; burning, crawling skin, heart palpitations, tingling hands on the keyboard, and a myriad of other symptoms. And that's just the beginning of far more serious health problems.

Radiation leads to Chronic Disease

What is non-ionizing radiation? Research from around the world has shown that low-frequency microwave radiation activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in the outer membrane of our cells. When activated, the VGCCs open up and allow an excessive amount of calcium ions into the cell.

This increased calcium activates nitric oxide, which leads to a pathway of oxidative destruction, and that leads to all sorts of health problems and surely is a factor in the explosive growth of chronic disease since 1990. All of our complaints--"I don't sleep well"--"My memory isn't what it used to be"--"I'm anxious (or depressed) all the time"--"I can't concentrate"--are the effects of electromagnetic fields.

And a health report on the millennial generation from Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) in April 2019 confirms that it's not just you or your friends suffering these neuro-disorders.

The BCBS Association report on the health of millennials, those born between the early 1980s and mid-'90s, analyzed data for 55 million commercially insured millennials, about 75% of the generation.

The study found a sharp decline in health begins around age 27, and over half the generation (54%) has been diagnosed with at least one chronic illness.

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A health coach, trainer, and international public speaker on health matters, Beverly A. Jensen is a life-long practitioner of natural health treatments. After healing herself of two autoimmune illnesses before they had AMA labels, she founded (more...)

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