While I am extremely reverential of anyone who suffered a loss on 9/11, I cannot understand the intense media coverage of the seventh anniversary. Where is the balance, where is the coverage of the return and funerals of our service men and women who gave their lives who now outnumber the victims of 9/11?
Why do the Bush Administration and Pentagon deny photographs or news coverage of returning caskets and services for the fallen? While I completely understand that some families may want to keep their loved ones services private, others do not. Others are denied coverage even when they have specifically requested coverage.
Could it be that officials need to continue to stoke fear of terrorism, to invoke 9/11 memories to continue to bolster support for unjust wars. Unjust wars that have cost our country billions wrecking havoc on our economy, which in turn costs jobs, which in turn cause young men and women to turn to the military for work and money for higher education.
Could it be that if officials showed war footage and returning coffins on the news every night as was done during the Vietnam War, that maybe a sleeping American populace would wake up and turn out to protest these wars.