The event is being sponsored and hosted by Toronto-based author and TV producer Barrie Zwicker. Doors open at 7:30pm, and the event begins at 8:00. Will Call tickets can be purchased in advance for $10 at At the door, tickets will be $15 (regular), $12 for students and seniors; or pay what you can.
One of the presenters, Craig Ranke, is a co-founder of Citizen Investigation Team (CIT), a Southern-California based research team which has spent the past five years conducting an independent investigation into the 9/11 Pentagon event. Over the years Mr. Ranke has repeatedly flown across the United States to the scene of the crime in Arlington, Virginia to conduct research and interviews. He has worked in tandem with several other researchers from around his country; most notably Aldo Marquis, with whom he founded CIT in 2006. He has personally interviewed dozens of witnesses to the 9/11 Pentagon event.
"Like many other people around the world, we were studying the photographs of the anomalous damage to the building, which seemed inconsistent with the impact of a 757 at ground level," says Ranke, explaining the project's origin. "There were many other problems with the 'official story' as well. It eventually became clear to us that until someone actually went to Arlington and conducted a full-scale investigation, knocked on doors, and interviewed the people who were there, we were never going to have definitive answers for what really happened at the Pentagon and whether or not these concerns, pejoratively labeled 'conspiracy theories', had validity. So in 2006, that's what we began doing."
"Simply put, the plane did not fly where it absolutely had to be to match the government reports and cause the directional damage inside and outside of the building. The eyewitnesses' accounts prove that it could not have, and indeed did not, strike the Pentagon. It was seen flying away by multiple witnesses immediately after the explosion."
"If you are skeptical of (or even incensed by) this statement we do not blame you," explains a note on their website. "We are not asking you to take our word for it, nor do we want you to do that. We want you to view the evidence and see with your own eyes that this is the case. We want you to hear it directly from the eyewitnesses who were there, just as we did."
Comments Ranke, "When people see these interviews for the first time, they are often struck by the lucidity of the witnesses, and disturbed by how clearly they destroy the official myth, and the frightening implications that come with that. We are certainly not happy about what this means for our country and the world. But the truth is the truth, and we have to be brave enough to deal with the disturbing yet overwhelming evidence now staring us in the face a decade later, revealing the hidden, dire reality of this world-changing event."
The Royal cinema is a classic theatre in the art deco mode, opened in 1939. It has large comfortable seats, the most modern projection facilities, and is centrally located at 608 College Street at Clinton in the "Little Italy" district of Toronto.