I know, nobody, especially Democrats, wants to talk about it. A number of ignorant extremist "pseudo Christians," sharing a fleeting friendship with a number of equally ignorant extremist orthodox Jews, insist they have a right to turn worship services into super spreader pandemic events. They take their seemingly absurd case all the way to the Supreme Court where five "pseudo" Christians proclaim to four actual justices' amazement that these people are, indeed, allowed to murder each other in the name of "freedom of religion!" The victims, of course, may include minors who have no choice but to attend these life threatening events. To make matters worse, the religious fanatical petitioners remind the equally religious fanatical judges that if bars can be open without restrictions, so too should houses of worship! Of course the bars should be equally restricted or they too become pandemic super spreaders. The only reason some are not adequately restricted is most often because of various amoral higher authorities' negligence.
Now, what really shocked me in this case was Justice Sotomayor's surprised reaction to the majority opinion. Really, Judge, theirs is merely a case of depraved indifference murder, while other pseudo Christians such as your five majority colleagues' religious progenitors have either killed or condoned the outright murders of literally millions of innocent victims over the past two thousand years in the name of their "religion." Why were you surprised? The only surprise is that after almost two thousand years of "pseudo Christians" proclaiming "we are free to kill in the name of our religion, but you can't do it in the name of yours!," they are generous enough to permit misguided Jews in on the free killing! Meanwhile real Christian followers of Jesus as well as real Jews can only look on in abject horror. As for "Justice Barrett," newest pseudo Christian on the Court, everyone knew that completely unlike Pope Francis, leader of legitimate Catholicism, she would put her own sordid religious/political views before "justice." I know it's not politically correct to say, but that is exactly why she was chosen, wasn't it, for goodness sake? And, the ignorant extremist orthodox Jews, those that forgot to read the Torah, they were warned, not by at least two or three witnesses as required, but by scores of scientific experts and rabbis that they would be killing people if they did not practice prescribed safety measures like masks and proper distancing. According to the Torah, by law, they are guilty of homicide if even one of their exposed fellow congregants can be shown to have died from one of their super spreader worship services! Some people might suggest cutting them a minimum of slack, I guess, since murdering people under the guise of "freedom of religion" is a relatively modern phenomenon for Jewish perpetrators.
There are also some people who might say that there are two sides to the Supreme Court decision, knowingly causing people to become fatally infected in overcrowded worship services. Unfortunately, many of them say that it is a price worth paying to lose so many of our parents, older relatives and especially first responders to the pandemic in order to reopen the economy. For them it's simply much too difficult a task to wear a mask or maintain a few feet of distance between each other. Many are the same people who are too stupid or more likely too hypocritical to admit that if we adhere to masks and social distancing, we won't have to shut down the economy! In other words, they would prefer that hundreds of thousands of people die, rather than mandating the simple wearing of masks and distancing because they "don't feel like it." Like President Trump, they whine incessantly about how badly they have been mistreated. Worse yet, these immoral and possibly sociopathic individuals have now found extremely willing allies in an apparently equally perverted five "justices" of the Supreme Court, who instead of handing the whiners free hankies as they should, declare murder as "righteous" as long as it is executed as "freedom of religion." All that is left to say is "G-d help us!" And, unfortunately, if only to prevent more killing, it really is time to expand the Supreme Court!
Allen Finkelstein, D.O., M.Ed. 11/29/20