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Dr. Allen Finkelstein, writing since 2006 under the penname “O’finky,” was born in New York, where he attended the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County as a boy. He continued his religious training in South Florida until his family, needlessly fearing that he would become a Rabbi, transferred him to public school. It was in the Hebrew day school where the young O’finky was strongly encouraged to write and exercise his imagination. Later, he managed to weather a stormy academic career at the University of Florida, where writing creatively was strongly discouraged. As an undergraduate, majoring in pre-med, English, and philosophy, each department strongly “advising” him to switch to another, he finally graduated with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and a master’s degree in education. After teaching math and science at various primary school levels for a few years, despite some fond regrets, O’finky left teaching for osteopathic medical school in West Virginia. After graduating as a D.O. in 1981, he moved back to the Tampa Bay area where he completed his internship and still practices and teaches family medicine. As a physician, the author became very active in the early ‘90’s desperately promoting to his largely deaf colleagues and to his patients the idea of rescuing Medicare from the hands of the greedy lobbies. In 2006, at the urging of his imaginative physician assistant, he started publishing a political blog, “The O’finky Factor.” Writing as “O’finky,” the honorary name bestowed upon him by his Irish friend and the wonderful people he met in Ireland, the author’s articles have always been marked by great controversy and some have been republished in places as far away as Russia and South America. As Allen Finkelstein, O’finky has published some forty five articles in OpEdNews. A lifelong liberal Democrat, nonetheless his writing tends to decry the party’s penchant for trying to promote a righteous agenda far too quickly for acceptance by a moderate public, thus impeding the very progress which they so desperately seek. Ironically, it is the painstaking revelation that people would rather believe the truth hidden in fiction rather than in facts that was the inspiration for his first novel, The President’s Ledger, published in 2013. OpEd News Member for 842 week(s) and 0 day(s) 123 Articles, 0 Quick Links, 56 Comments, 3 Diaries, 0 Polls
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![]() The Democratic Party of Stupid vs. the Republican Party of Evil Part II Several years ago, I wrote an article describing what I thought was the best possible description of our two main political parties. Little did I realize at the time that my satirical depiction would end up being so literally accurate. Obviously, with President Trump's intention to implement project 2025, even if our Democratic Republic survives, the once proud Republican Party is in danger of being completely destroyed...
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![]() NFL Officiating: Under the Influence I think, if you are an NFL fan as I am, first you would like the league to basically "cut the crap." Second, you would like to know how telling officials how to officiate differently in different games is somehow "influencing," but not "cheating." Anyone who thinks listing a professional league under "entertainment" is much different than listing it under "sport" is sadly mistaken... T
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![]() It's Finally Time for the Justice Department to Take Off the Gloves! For the last twenty years, I have witnessed one worthless U.S. Justice Department after another, from Attorney General "Uncle Tom" Holder arresting absolutely noone at all for voter suppression, no matter how egregious and obvious their crime, to faux Christian legal harlots like Leura Canary proudly framing innocent political targets to Trump appointees swearing loyalty oaths to him instead of to our Constitution...
![]() Facing Facts and Possible Solutions in the Middle East Let's admit it. The current reiteration of all-out war between various Palestinian terrorists and Israel was, of course, totally predictable. Yes, it was something of a surprise that the usually dependable Israeli intelligence did not pick up on an imminent attack by Hamas sooner, but it was an attack for which Israel's current coalition of inept and largely "pre-hysterical" troglodytes had been laying the track for some time.
![]() H.stupidis Virus Revisited Last night I had a vision; at least I thought I did. I saw what we, in the Judeo-Christian-Muslim cultures, call "the host of heaven" in a huge uproar over the identification of the worst of all faults...
![]() Arrogance and the Perfect Autocratic Storm Now, I suppose it's natural for many individuals raised in any given "faith" to feel that it is the "best" religious belief system. This we might call a form of natural "chauvinism" comparable to similar feelings about one's country. In ancient times, while a degree of religious chauvinism could be found in most cultures, there was still, undoubtedly, a grudging respect for other religions...
![]() Will the Democratic Party of "What?" Heed the Cry from the Center? Back in 2017, I wrote an article "Abandoned and Deserted, a Cry from the Center." In it I discussed the plight of "centrists," most of them hoping for some sort of dialogue to somehow "break out" between the country's various warring factions. I also could not understand why the majority of influential Democrats had ignored Joe Biden as their preferred presidential candidate.
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![]() The Democratic Party of What? In the past, I have sarcastically referred to the Democratic party as "The Democratic Party of Stupid" and Republicans as "The Republican Party of Evil." I went on to discuss some serious concerns which I felt had never been adequately addressed. The more obvious, those having to do with both parties becoming more and more extreme while at the same time becoming less and less credible...
![]() A Message Lost in the Mythology This article could have been written about almost any ethical religion and virtually any political party. It just happens that the predominant "religion" in our country is made up of a conglomeration of people who profess belief in someone we call "Jesus Christ."
![]() The Story of Barrabbas: The Advent of Fake News and Q-Anon To my mind, the most troubling and at the same time the most intriguing story in the New Testament is that of Barabbas, the "brigand" supposedly freed by Pontius Pilate at the behest of the so-called "Jewish mob." Moreover, with all of its dripping irony, the story is representative of the very same conflict, I believe, that would eventually lead to the origin of "fake news," to the earliest form of "Q-Anon"... .
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![]() Is It Finally Time to Overhaul Those Unwritten "Rules of Procedure?" We have not had any accountability from either military or civilian authorities since the Vietnam War, certainly not since "W's" senseless attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, attacks on two "tribal conglomerations," neither of which had any real involvement in "9/11." Neither have we had even an ounce of credibility from the FBI or the so-called "Justice" Department. ![]()
![]() Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire! Take Justice to The Next Level It is time to stop complaining about the violation of well established civilized norms and to begin discussions about whether to overturn some of the not quite so civilized norms that may actually need to be overturned, ironically, to save our democratic republic.
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![]() The Real Question: Treason or Incompetence? The silence is deafening. Where are they? I'm talking about the people who can add and subtract without using their fingers and toes. Let's see, Mr. Trump sent his closest henchmen to meet with Russian agents during his presidential campaign intending to subvert official U.S. policy in exchange for the Russians' help in the campaign...
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![]() Righteous Murder, Really? What Next? I know, nobody, especially Democrats, wants to talk about it. A number of ignorant extremist "pseudo Christians," sharing a fleeting friendship with a number of equally ignorant extremist orthodox Jews, insist they have a right to turn worship services into super spreader pandemic events...
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![]() Will it be the Ghost of Antonin Scalia that Convicts President Trump? The clear distinction between an institutional vote and a public vote aside, one thing becomes abundantly clear, that not only would President Trump have a marked "conflict of interest" in any attempt to introduce an "institutional" pardon for himself, but so too would anyone Trump or his allies choose to appoint as "acting" president before the president elect is sworn in...
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![]() Originalism- A Fool's Errand? These are examples of only a few of the contradictions and compromises to be found in the "Bible." I bring this up reluctantly because try as I may, I cannot find a single U.S. Constitutional "originalist" who is not also some sort of religious originalist, that is also refusing to see the contradictions and human frailties inherent in any document composed by human beings, even human beings who are "divinely" inspired...
![]() "Oklakoma" Republicans and Resurgence of the H. stupidus Virus As for the intellectual and moral "deplorables" attending the Trump viral-incubation rally in Oklahoma, if they have to thoughtlessly infect someone else, would anyone be asking for it more than Bloviator in Chief Trump?
![]() This Time There Must Be a Reckoning II The case of Captain Brett E. Crozier's dismissal as skipper of the nuclear aircraft carrier Theodore Roosvelt by acting Secretary of the Navy, Thomas Modley adds a new twist to the machinations of the president and the toadies with which he surrounds himself...
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![]() This Time There Must Be a Reckoning An adolescent president with a massive and fatal inferiority complex, already mentally and emotionally inadequate to lead, is faced with the worst natural disaster since the 1918 flu epidemic. His first worry is certainly not the loss of human lives, but the effect the truth of the pandemic will have on the economy, his only lifeline to reelection... ![]()
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![]() Democratic Candidates: It's Time to Start Doing Your Homework Trump has officially turned the White House into his personal brothel, employing his lackeys, both men and women, to turn political tricks. However, I believe we must be careful not to take out our frustration on relative "good guys," that is fellow Democrats and "moderate" Republicans, understandably terrified by mobsters Trump and McConnell's threats to utterly destroy their states... |