Obamacare! The Supreme Court!
What a delight to warble, jack-jaw and parse the intellectual and ever-so-delectable delights of Constitutional fine points, as if the Constitution had anything to do with it.
It's all so terribly simple, so basic, even a Tea Party Idiot could understand it: Roberts favors Who Makes The Most Money - over the Constitution, over democracy, over All. Citizens United, ending democracy in America, was just for openers.
Real healthcare insurance for a civilized nation is called single-payer, as in Medicare; an half-assed compromise is called public option; we have neither.
Obamacare, which should more correctly be called by its secret Corporate name, Baucus-care, makes 30 million people buy private health insurance, a near-worthless middleman racket that produces nothing, but is an exquisite parasite that does intrude to the max between doctor and patient for the sole purpose of extracting profit. And taxpayers have to pay for all those who can't.
This is perhaps the biggest forced heist in world history. Bush's pharma giveaway is small potatoes in comparison.
Roberts nimbly jumped "sides" in the ultimately phony charade and prison of liberal-conservative idiotology by artful interpretation of the Constitution to serve his masters - in this case, the Holy Health Insurers, which so many of us own stock in! Praise America the Unconscious!!!
Attention Conservative Hookers for the Rich: Your masters have NO PROBLEM making you pay just like your liberal psuedo-opponents, capiche?
And long may we bluster and squabble about repeal, which listen up tea party patsies your bosses the insurers won't allow you to repeal, unless you can replace it with an even more profitable model.
And why should liberal patsies complain? They think they've won!
With nothing to stop the $100 bandage from becoming $200.