Popular momentum for a Wall Street Sales Tax is starting to build across the nation! A recent White House Petition is an excellent place for people to voice their support for this key to saying no to austerity, sequesters, grand bargains, etc.
If you had hope in President Obama, then provide him with a vehicle, the 1% Wall Street Sales Tax, to actually be the President so many hoped he would be, for the 1% Wall Street Sales Tax is the means to institute a fundamental change in this nation in the direction for the good of all.
The 1% Wall Street Sales Tax is the vehicle to say no to austerity. President Obama has the power to say no to the fiscal cliff, the deadly sequester, his and the Republican's proposed cuts to vital social safety net at a time of depression, and act like a real leader, and not a panderer to the interests of Wall Street who is behind the call for austerity.
This is the real vote that we need, that Obama needs, that America needs to survive. This is a mandate whose time must come, for we can not afford austerity, nor can we afford to allow the financial industry to continue to be a fiscal drain on the nation and we the people.
We need 100,000 signatures by April 10th for a response to the petition by President Obama.
Here it is:
We Petition the Obama Administration to: Demand a Wall Street Sales Tax
Dear President Obama,
The fiscal problems of the United States are largely due to the fact that Wall Street pays no taxes. While working families pay on average 7% in sales tax for the necessities of life, Wall Street speculators pay no tax on a yearly turnover of over $5 quadrillion (5,000 trillion dollars) in derivatives, futures, stocks, bonds, and other securities on US exchanges. A 1% sales tax on this turnover, equally divided between the federal and state governments, largely solves the budget deficit at all levels of government.
We ask you to put the Wall Street Sales Tax squarely on the table, to use the power of your office to mobilize the congress for this tax, and to fight for the American people against the interests of Wall Street speculators
To sign the White House Petition go to: http://wh.gov/ARGi
SIGN AND MOBILIZE: friends, family, strangers meeting strangers, blog, twitter, facebook, meme, etc., into a groundswell of support.