I am truly growing tired of hearing conservatives say they agree on certain common sense Gun Reforms and refuse to act. Watching Meet the Press this morning really left me irritated when republican strategist Mike Murphy agreed with Mayor Cory Booker on closing gun show loopholes and requiring background checks. It frustrates me when I see republicans acknowledge that we can agree on certain measures but in what can only be cowardice they refuse to be part of the discussion.
It is just baffles me when Cory Booker brings up statistics like 75% of NRA members agree with some of the more common sense proposals and 100% of their elected officials cower in fear of a lobby. How about we see a Republican bring up a measure in the House that requires some of these common sense regulation that they agree with. Maybe it would be a better use of their legislative time, you know when they have time from trying to repeal ObamaCare, or redefining the 14th Amendment for people but allowing corporations to take advantage of it.
Yes I believe the second amendment protects your right to bear arms. I believe you have the right to protect yourself, hunt, own guns and the such. However, I believe the social contract requires give and take. Free Speech doesn't mean I can yell fire in a theatre, the right to assembly doesn't mean I can't be denied a permit for the assembly, apparently sneak and peek warrants don't violate the 4th amendment, cruel and unusual punishment still doesn't prevent the death penalty and freedom of religion didn't prevent my state from declaring 2012 the year of the bible, not all bibles just the one that I hold true.
No documents of man are written in stone and no founder of this great nation required every generation to live frozen in 1789. And fringe views are not supposed to paralyze the government. Our Constitution is supposed to protect us from fringe politics, through the republican (theory of government, not party) principle that James Madison speaks of in Federalist #10; "majority rule". I'd bet even half of the Republican member of each house agree with some of these measures. Unfortunately, the Republican Party has surrendered their responsibility of governance to the lobbies that fund them, not that the Democrats are innocent, but in this case the Republican Party are definitely the pawn for special interest.