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Rich Bergen is the managing editor and primary writer for ProgressMo Shuffle. Rich is a Center for Progressive Leadership 2012 Pennsylvania Political Leader Fellow, a Correction Officer, Union Steward, graduate from Concordia College-Bronxville with a B.A in History, member of Trinity Lutheran in Lansdale and will be starting the diakonia lay ministry program in the fall.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, January 25, 2013 Ye of little faith in American Democracy
The Republican Party claims to love the ideal of America, but are terrified of the promise of majority rule.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 8, 2013 Despicable Few...The 67 House Republicans who voted against #SandyAid
When Katrina hit they demanded federal assistance, when tornadoes hit they demand assistance, when floods ravish their districts they demand assistance. When natural disaster hits your district, you are on you own.
SHARE Friday, December 21, 2012 Wayne LaPierre blames everyone and everything except for Guns
Wayne LaPierre blames rap music, video games, movies and a toxic society. Calls for an expansion of big guvmint to create Federal School Militia. In other words, NRA's worst enemy is the NRA.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, December 3, 2012 Bob Costas definitely stirred up the Gun Rights hornet nest
Is there a reason we can't have an open dialogue on Guns in this country. The answer isn't all the way to the left or the right, it's in the middle and for some reason we just can't go there.
(7 comments) SHARE Saturday, November 24, 2012 Walmart is keeping faith with Jay Gould's creed
Walmart is praying that Jay Gould's infamous statement about the 19th-century American worker works in the 21st century.
SHARE Wednesday, November 21, 2012 Stand with the #WalmartStrikers in Boothwyn, PA
While Walmart wants you to focus on shopping this friday. OUR Walmart wants to stand with the Workers and force Walmart to the bargaining table.
SHARE Friday, November 9, 2012 Should every vote count? A look at PA HD 131
Young Progressive attempting the upset of a Tea Party Freshman in PA State House District 131 preparing for recount after incredibly close race.