Michael Connell, Karl Rove's internet Guru, was ordered to testify regarding what he knew concerning voter fraud in Ohio and other states. Connell was accused of tampering with the 2004 election for President Bush. An accusation he denied publicly as he privately considered a deal with prosecutors. Connell feared for his life and was reportedly threatened by Rove. Connell also was concerned that someone was tampering with his plane. But as unfortunate luck would have it, Connell's plane crashed.
DC Madame Coincidently Suicided
DC Madame, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, was convicted of operating a high priced escort service that provided prostitutes to the famous and powerful of Washington D.C. Her list of clients was said to contain the likes of Dick Cheney, although that accusation was never shown to be true, and the Feds sought to gag her from revealing too much. Previously Palfrey's escort service employee and University of Maryland professor Brandy Britton was also found dead in an apparent suicide before she was scheduled to testify. When asked about Brandy Britton's death, Palfrey said, "I guess I'm made of something that Brandy Britton wasn't made of."
Surprisingly, Deborah Palfrey must have found she was made of about the same stuff that Brandy Britton was made of because she also ended up dead in an apparent suicide.
Corparate Crime Fighter Removed Before The Largest Financial Scams Revealed
New York Governor Eliot Spitzer made a name for himself by taking on corporate corruption. He was seen as a champion of the people against those in the financial sector. Spitzer's political career looked bright indeed and the watchdog of Wall Street might even someday be President. But then in January of last year it was reveled that Spitzer had a thing for prostitutes. By March, Spitzer's political career was over.
Coincidently just as Spitzer political career was ending it was being revealed that the American financial system was built on deception and lies. With Spitzer out, there wasn't anyone with the guts, grit, and determination to follow the money trail and tackle the corruption.
Some other famous coincidences
Dr. David Kelly was a British Ministry of Defense Weapon's Inspector that blew the lid off the lie that the British and American governments had no idea that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. But it seems that all of the testifying and media attention got Dr. Kelly down so he decided that life was too much for him. Or at least that is the official explanation but others, such as a British MP, are convinced that Dr. Kelly was murdered.
Anti War politician Paul Wellstone, the consciounce of the American Senate, died in an airplane crash just as the Administration was gearing up for a war in Iraq. Wellstone would have been a strong voice in opposition to the war in Iraq but coincedently his voice was silenced by his untimely death. "Wellstone held the balance in the Senate for the Democrats; he was as opposed to Bush policies as any Senator could be, in issues of war, health policy, and labor issues. His death has great political and social significance," according to an Indymedia report.
Conflicting reports regarding the Wellstone's plane crash has left much to speculation.
On the day of the attack on America, 9/11, the United States government was coincidently conducting war games in which planes were posing as hijacked airliners. Air traffic controllers were confused during the attack on September 11th because they were unsure if what was occuring was actually the war game. Also of note, was the coincidental bizarre collapse of World Trade Center building 7 without actually being hit by an aircraft or being subjected to any major fire.
The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King coincidently occurred just as King was planning a major poor peoples march on Washington DC. The movement against oppression in America was gaining a great deal of support and was expanding to include the injustice of poverty. Sadly the dream was interrupted and many had suspected that James Earl Ray, King's accussed killer, had help and support from others. In 1999, the King family received some solace from a civil trial in which the jurors found that there was involvement from others, including agencies of the United States government, in the killing of Dr. King.
Senator Robert Kennedy was poised to take the Democratic nomination and most likely the Presidency of the United States. But a lone nut job, Sirhan Sirhan, made sure that Kennedy would not be able to continue the work of his older brother. Accoustic evidence has since supported additional evidence that there was likely more than one shooter during the killing of RFK.
President John F. Kennedy was set to dismantle the CIA, end America's involvement in Vietnam, bypass the Federal Reserve, move past the cold war, and continue the crusade against organized crime.
But a lone "patsy" saved the day for the key players in the military industrial complex by taking out the people's President.