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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 7/16/21

Something Is Not Right

By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   16 comments

Don Scotten
Message Don Scotten

Trump is so toxic to the political prospects of republicans they have to essentially purge the voting rolls with voter-suppression devices. The fat, bald, self serving pathological liar Republicans embrace along with a hell of a lot of the dimly lit, morally compromised among the unwashed masses, is clearly deemed not sufficiently popular to ensure Republicans a win in free elections. These Republicans working so hard to prevent free and fair expression of democracy--one man or woman freely and easily voting--are personally small and insignificant people who fear a level playing field. Those citizens who vote them into office are no different. At its core, the rise of Trump is sourced, with few exceptions, to his promise to make America White again--alas, we need better humans...

Still, to return to the beginning, if Trump, Trumpism, racism, misogyny and a profoundly compromised expression of soul were on the rise within the majority there would be no need to carry out wide-open voter-suppression efforts across this nation.

I think the greater issue before us in this now moment is to find a way to elevate that which is positive in our collective, that which is creative and expansive over that which is negative or destructive and contracting. This is in our hands. Our democratic politicians may not be truly able or willing to bring this existential shift from negative to positive. No one is speaking to this directly at this time. We are enough to bring change if we can find a way to become united in our intent and translate that into action. We need a lot of us to help with this- today. The enemy is small minded, immoral--evil, really--but focused and organized. Who and what are we!

We have to grasp the significance of how it is that 'we' who are the majority and of positive intent are being controlled and ever-more diminished by 'them', the minority. Our politicians representing us seem to wield less power than those who lost the last election. We need to provide better insight and thinking to help us understand this. Regarding this last we do know that establishment democrats are in service to the same lobbyists as are republicans, Nancy Pelosi referred to the Green New Deal as a quaint idea. The progressives who represent what is decent and positive are are deemed the enemy of the establishment.

Therefore, if we want to find a way forward we will have to come together and be this way forward--essentially lead ourselves to a better future. This last tells us that the political system that controls our lives cannot be used to provide us a better future. It provides what it has always provided--the illusion of democracy and the empowerment of the few over the many. Or did I miss something here?

Don Scotten


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I am an ordinary citizen who for the first sixty years of his life was mostly disinterested in politics. Then George Bush and Dick Cheney intruded into my consciousness and I realized politics is important and determines who lives and who dies. (more...)

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