"New York City, Liberty Plaza, just the way I imagined it!"
Ah yes, there's nothing like a trip to the Big Apple. And, there's nothing better than having a front row seat to see the hit Broadway show of retribution, the comeuppance of the century: Occupy Wall Street!
The laughs, the tears, the arrests, the stone cold bed and the sleepless nights, the NYC General Assembly and, wait for it, the Peoples' Mic! Street theater just doesn't get any better, and tickets to this long-running winner are so easy to score.

Brooklyn Bridge OWS March, October 1, 2011
(Image by Harrie van Veen : Used with permission, all rights reserved.) Details DMCA
But wait... Ya' say you're not part of the top 1% of victims of the Wall Street fast-buck fraud that have nothing left to lose and who can proclaim Occupy Wall Street! or bust?
Ya' say there's still ma and the children to look after as best you can?
Ya' say you've got an advanced degree but you're still working at Los Pollos Hermanos at the fry station?
Ya' say you still have five weeks left of unemployment checks and maybe eight weeks before they foreclose on the Cape Cod you've called home for sixteen years?
Ya' say you're under consideration for an excellent unpaid internship and you're turning forty-nine next week?
Is that all that's bothering you, boobie?
Well, have we got a deal for you! A local occupation aimed at horrifying the crooks in the mythical land of "we bet both ways and always win," also known as Wall Street, is coming to a town near you right now!
That's right, at last count there were occupations to end economic tyranny operating or forming in 45 states of the union in over 130 towns and cities, plus the District of Columbia, and 28 more in 15 foreign counties including you Canada!
Living in Texas, Alabama, West Virginia or some other media declared "Red State"? Not to worry. Plenty of towns are organizing occupations there too.
But ya' say the main stream media hasn't said a word about this...
Ya' say ya' can't afford one of them newfangled itelephones?
No problem. Just talk to your local librarian who's still hot under the collar about all 'em Patriot Act subversive book list requests he or she still can't talk about. That's right, he or she will take time out from spying for the FBI and show you their computer machine.
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