Like a child screaming for attention, U.S. senate Tea Party members, look to shut down the U.S. government. The party that professes to be against government intervention into anything , is using government and it's "shutting down" to remain relevant and to get back to center stage. After getting a closer look at the Tea Party, mainstream America has been decidedly turned off by their extreme views on every issue that comes along. That, and the fact that the further to the right the democrats and moderate republicans move, still further to the right our fanatical Tea Party moves.
Moving the goalposts is what any entity will do that has no clear principal to base their agenda. Like the "endless war" on terror, there never really has to be a model for success. Their only real function and popularity, however waning, comes from what I like to call "complaining and blaming syndrome". Satisfaction is not a goal but an obstacle. A life dedicated to being the squeakiest of wheels, removes all pretense of having any responsibility for anything. They are the "it's not my fault people". This crowd of disengaged Americans, do not see themselves as part of a community or society, so every aspect of their agenda is centered around the only clear aspiration they have. It's so short sighted, it can only come in the form of a question. . . "How does this result in more money for me Me ME ?!?" And along comes budget negotiations. Where the give and take, victories and concessions, and true effective governance, in a two party system exists.
Welcome to the 1995 Christian Coalition redux. From contracts for America, to Newt Gingrich, to shut downs and abortion. The Tea Party, believing the mood of the nation is different this time around, has put abortion front and center in a payoff to their Christian base, just like "95, hamstringing Republicans trying to move away from their obstructionists reputation. Whether they are right or not, let me be clear.
Our nation is being held hostage by an extreme, religious group of people (by the way, this group's percentage of welfare recipients must always be the 800 lb. gorilla in the room) that believe, or at least say they believe the world is 4000 years old, the end is near, and America is a Christian country first and foremost. The Tea Party, starving for membership has turned to America's number one public assistance group, per-capita by county, throughout the bible belt. This odd mix of personal responsibility fakes and religious racists have formed an alliance of necessity. The enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of stuff--sort of. More like, everybody that does not look like I do is my enemy--kind of. Honestly I'm not sure what it is other than an ill timed alliance of hate. It's worked as far as we are talking about the Tea party and abortion, but all in the wrong context. Even Carl Rove, as reported by Chris Matthews, thinks this is bad.
Using soldier's salaries, government worker pay and leave and SHUTTING DOWN GOVERNMENT AT A TIME OF WAR with a poor economy, and joblessness- for some ideological charade is a new low for two groups that continue to re-invent low.
Planned Parenthood, one of those things that serves women when no-one will insure them, stops 800,000 unwanted pregnancies with contraceptives and counsel a year, ends up in the Palin crosshairs, so to speak, shows us all what we already knew. The Republican party with the help of the angry, ignorant, evangelicals see America as corporate cannon fodder. The more programs we cut the more hope for privatization for them. This radical anti-women attempt at a shut down has boxed them in. If they give in, they let down their "tough guy" image and anti-abortion, anti-contraceptive base. If they don't, they hand Democrats the same victory Newt's revolution gave Clinton. Either way, Americans take another shot to their quality of life, their safety nets, but most importantly the "Path to Prosperity" for middle and working class Americans has taken another shot in this budget, as cuts have made life for our poor especially that much harder. I say this in the context : What is good for my countrymen is good for me. I am part of a free and open society. I am a citizen among many, about 300 million. If my fellow citizens are allowed to find that path to prosperity, my life and my families' life will also prosper.
The only thing that can combat this corporate money grab dressed up to appear to be an ideological struggle is a unified middleclass that understands there are strength in numbers. that understands we are all on the same team. Until that day comes, corporations and their shills on the right will have a say in all our lives and self-determination and in the words of Don Henley, "Freedom? That's just some people talking."
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