Cain did not deliver at Godfather's Pizza. From 1985, the year before
Cain was appointed to run Godfathers to 1995 when he left, adjusted for
inflation, Godfather's sales were down over 40%.
See Complete Godfather's Pizza Sales Figure from the Herman Cain Years
Cain claims that Godfather's Pizza was on the edge of bankruptcy when
he took over the company. Actually, it was the fourth largest selling
Pizza Chain in America and had made profits in at least 10 years out of
11 when he took it over. According to Cain it lost 1.5 million the year
before he took it over. The previous president claimed it was going to
break even. It was also projected to possibly make 16 $million the year
he took it over. It apparently made nothing the first two years under
Cain. The company was probably worth between $100 - $150 million when
Pillsbury took it over and gave it to Cain. Under Cain, its value fell
to $30-40 million in 2 1/2 years.
See Checking the Fact Checkers on Herman Cain and Godfather's Pizzas
Pillsbury and Cain were both very optimistic about the Godfather's
franchise, when he took over. They were expecting big profits. Cain
kept on putting out optimistic projections and constant statements that
he was turning the company around. After two years, Pillsbury caught on
and realized Cain had failed to make any real profits and decided to
sell the company.
See Checking the Fact Checkers on Herman Cain and Godfather's Pizzas, Part 2
While Pizza sales were rising 10% nationally when he took over
Godfather's in 1986, Godfather's sales fell more than 5% a year through
1990. By the time he left in 1995, sales had still not reached the level
it had in 1985, the year before he took over.
See Fact Checking the Fact Checkers: Herman Cain and Godfather's Pizza -- Part 3
Cain was appointed to the Kansas City Federal Reserve just 3 months
after he and 18 other managers got a loan from Citibank for $30 million
to buy Godfather's. He was mortgaged to Citibanks for everything he
owned including his golfclubs. Since he had absolutely no background in
economics or banking, it is astonishing that he would be given this
position where he was helping to set policies for a bank he was in debt
to. The conflict of interest is obvious.
See Herman Cain's Appointment to The Federal Reserve: Unethical or Criminal?
Herman Cain only got his first job as a regional manager at Burger King
because Jesse Jackson't PUSH organization had threatened Burger King
with a nation wide boycott if they did not promote people into
managerial positions.
See The Godfather's Godfather: How Jessie Jackson Launched Herman Cain's Managerial Career
Cain claims that in his first managerial position at Burger King he
took a low performing region and turned it into one of the best in the
country. In fact, the Philadelphia region was one of the best in the
country when Cain took it over in September, 1983. It was not doing as
well when Cain left 2 1/2 years later in March, 1986.
See Selling and Telling Whoppers: Herman Cain and Burger King
Cain seems to have gotten into some kind of deep trouble when managing
Burger King between September, 1983 and March, 1986. He says that it
almost ended his managerial career. He claims someone named "Bill
Deleat" helped him out. There was no such person at Pillsbury or Burger
See Did Herman Cain Invent Bill DeLeat?
Cain claims that his "Beamer" program increased sales at a Burger King
restaurant that he managed for three months. There is no factual basis
for this. His beamer program seems to have been nothing more than
yelling at some teenage girls to get them to smile more and threatening
to fire them when they didn't.
See Is Herman Cain Off His Beamer? The Truth About Cain's Beamer Program at Burger King
Cain says that his recover from Cancer was a miracle from his God. In
fact, he knew that he was being treated at one of the best treatment
centers in the country and his survival chances were better than 60% for
his particular type of cancer. Cain was treated at a non-profit cancer
center which has received billions of dollars from the Federal
Government over the last 30 years. He is alive because of socialized
medicine in the United State, the very type of socialized medicine that
Cain would deny to all others.
See Cain's Cancer: Deceptions and Misconceptions