Thanking President Bush,
With Thanksgiving approaching, I thought it might be appropriate to give Thanks. I know what you are thinking? What do I have to give thanks for? Let's take a quick look at our lives and our history, and see if we can find a clue.
They call today's seniors the greatest generation that ever lived--they built our country, they survived the Depression, they survived the bomb. They led America in the most spectacular economic boom the world has ever seen. No one man was responsible. No one CEO was regarded as above all other men. Together they forged an engine which could not be equaled.
Challenges were seen only as opportunities. Men were given greater respect than companies. Law forces did "Serve and Protect."- They had many obstacles. They overcame and became better people as a result. Most of us could only wish to have lived during America's two shining generations 1925-1975.
Now we have come full circle. We are facing the greatest challenge any generations will ever face. By default, we can become the new greatest generation. It will not be easy. It will require sacrifice, cooperation, innovation, and lots of old fashion elbow grease. But as Nietzsche said, "That which does not kill me make me stronger."-
So thank you Mr. Bush, you have forced me to become stronger and provided me an opportunity to witness and partake in the Greatest Generation. Get out of the way; there is a juggernaut com'in through!