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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 9/14/17

The Clinton Book Tour Is Largely Ignoring the Vital Role of Endless War in the 2016 Election Result

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Glenn Greenwald
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Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
(Image by (From Wikimedia) Steve Jurvetson from Menlo Park, USA, Author: Steve Jurvetson from Menlo Park, USA)
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TO PITCH HER BOOK, Hillary Clinton is sitting down this week for a series of media interviews, mostly with supportive TV personalities, such as Rachel Maddow, to discuss her views of "What Happened," the book's title. Calls for Clinton to be quiet and disappear are misguided for all sorts of reasons, including the fact that she is a very smart, informed, and articulate politician, which means her interviews -- especially when she's liberated from programmed campaign mode -- are illuminating about how she, and her fellow establishment Democrats who have driven the party into a ditch, really think.

An hour-long interview she sat for with Vox's Ezra Klein is particularly worthwhile. Clinton, for good reason, harbors a great deal of affection for Klein, which she expressed on multiple occasions during their chat. But Klein nonetheless pressed her on a series of criticisms that have been voiced about her and the Democrats' stunted political approach, banal policies, status-quo-perpetuating worldview, and cramped aspirations that seem far more plausible as authors of her defeat than the familiar array of villains -- Bernie Sanders, Vladimir Putin, Jill Stein, Jim Comey, the New York Times -- that she and her most ardent supporters are eager to blame.

Despite being illuminating, Klein's discussion with Clinton contains a glaring though quite common omission: There is not a word about the role of foreign policy and endless war during the entire hour. While some of this may be attributable to Klein's perfectly valid journalistic focus on domestic policies, such as health care, a huge factor in Clinton's political career and how she is perceived -- as a senator and especially as secretary of state -- is her advocacy of multiple wars and other military actions, many, if not all, of which were rather disastrous, rendering it quite strange to spend an hour discussing why she lost without so much as mentioning any of that.

This is not so much a critique of Klein's specific interview (which, again, is worthwhile) as it is reflective of the broader Democratic Party desire to pretend that the foreign wars it has repeatedly prosecuted, and the endless killing of innocent people for which it is responsible, do not exist.

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[Subscribe to Glenn Greenwald] Glenn Greenwald is a journalist,former constitutional lawyer, and author of four New York Times bestselling books on politics and law. His most recent book, "No Place to Hide," is about the U.S. surveillance state and his experiences reporting on the Snowden documents around the world. His forthcoming book, to be published in April, 2021, is about Brazilian history and current politics, with a focus on his experience in reporting a series of expose's in 2019 and 2020 which exposed high-level corruption by powerful officials in the government of President Jair Bolsonaro, which subsequently attempted to prosecute him for that reporting.

Foreign Policy magazine named Greenwald one of the top 100 Global Thinkers for 2013. He was the debut winner, along with "Democracy Now's" Amy Goodman, of the Park Center I.F. Stone Award for Independent Journalism in 2008, and also received the 2010 Online Journalism Award for his investigative work breaking the story of the abusive (more...)

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