The Cosmic Story: 2nd Cancer New Moon, July 20, 2020
The Divine Mother Gives Birth to a New Age
This Monday we get to experience a 2nd Cancer New Moon, occurring at the very end of the Cancer Solar Eclipse cycle. Each New Moon month arrives back in its own sign to complete the cycle, to see what we've learned about what we planted at the New Moon. Usually we come to a deeper understanding of what we thought we wanted from the cycle. This month, we get to re-plant some more seeds as we discover deeper needs.
Cancer is the sign of the Mother, of our emotional bodies, of home and security and family. With the Solar Eclipse on Summer Solstice, we planted new seeds about emotional security and the need to re-mother ourselves, which means to love ourselves. And to re-mother our nation, since Cancer also rules our country.
Our society's rules have not only hurt most of us through unrealistic expectations, they've also hurt the nature of mothering. As an archetype, the Great Mother loves us unconditionally - we are all her children, just as flowers and weeds (which turn out to be valuable herbs) are equally her children. She doesn't expect us to be other than ourselves. Her only expectation is that we actually love ourselves and own who we are.
Unfortunately, western society has shaped mothers and fathers who try to shape their children to their own expectations and unlived lives. This leaves most of us feeling unworthy and insecure. And feeling lonely and unloved.
The Cancer Solar Eclipse created a portal to a new experience for each of us - a connection to the Great Mother of All. And a return to an unselfish self-love that not only values who we are and our purpose, but also allows us to value each other in a new way. Yes, Black Lives Matter. And all lives matter - human, animal, plants, trees, air, water and earth. The Great Mother who created us all loves every bit of her creation.
That's the difference from our patriarchal monotheistic religions and beliefs, which have shaped the western psyche. To the Great Mother Everyone is Chosen - not just the followers of a certain faith. We are all equal in the Mother's eyes.
There is a prophecy about our times that has in many ways proven to be true. It declares the hypocrisy and lies of the Christian communities and how they have called forth the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse - famine, sickness, war and death. This is what the Christian West has done to our world.
But in that same prophesy, there is redemption. And it comes from a Woman, a Goddess and Mother Earth. It is a call to everyone, but especially women, to rise up and give birth to a new age, for the Goddess always brings forth the next evolution.
And a portent appeared in the heavens,
A Woman, Clothed with the Sun,
Standing on the Moon,
Crowned with Stars,
In labor, giving
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