The Cosmic Story: Lammas & Aquarius/Leo Full Moon 2020
Envisioning a New Future for All of Mother Earth's Children
The Wheel of the Year: Lammas, the first harvest
The culture might be breaking down but Mother Earth keeps spinning. We've already arrived at the cross-quarter holiday of the Wheel of the Year called Lammas, August 1-6 - the first harvest. So we must ask ourselves, out of our new isolation, what have we harvested personally and collectively? It seems pretty clear that the culture we've lived with for the past 70+ years is no longer viable, so who will envision where we need to go next? Let's not leave it to the politicians and corporate leaders who are eager to retain control of us, our world and their power.
This is a time for taking on our personal authority. What we feel and imagine and do is more important now than ever. As the old structures crumble, each individual in society has a chance to make a difference, which is really what democracy is all about. Let's take on that responsibility like the King who willingly sacrifices himself for the good of his people at this harvest festival.
The first harvest was always offered to the gods. We tend to forget that it is the masculine principle that continuously needs renewing. The divine feminine is the ground of life and renews itself, but as all the old myths tell us, it is the male deities who have to die for the good of their people. That's because the masculine principle tends to get stuck, or refuses to give up power, when it runs out of steam. The old culture doesn't want to die. That's the power struggle we're seeing in our society. It goes back to the myths of Saturn/Chronos, who swallowed his children rather than let them come into their power. And of course, that leads to rebellion where the old has to be overthrown, rather than having the courage and dignity to step down and transfer power to the next generation.
When things breakdown, we get a chance to 'break on through to the other side'. Or when it's time for an idea, a way of life, an old paradigm or belief to die, it means that something better can come of it if we all hold the vision. What better time than now to re-create our global society, when the virus has brought us all to our knees? If we don't do it now, we might not get this chance again.
So celebrate what we've harvested so far in our 'new normal' - a renewed love of Mother Earth, a new sense of our own authority to choose how we educate our kids or how we work, a new understanding of our need for connection and family, a realization that all that 'stuff we've been programmed to think we need isn't so necessary after all.
What can we sacrifice so that new life can come for us all?
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